My Focus T25 Week One Results

Okay, so it’s been exactly one week since I began the Focus T25 workout for the second time. All I can say is, wow! I love this workout! It has noticeably changed my body in just five days of 25 minutes of exercise.

Week One in Review

I’m going to do my weekly Focus T25 review slightly different than BBL. For starters, I’m going to do a brief breakdown of each day.

Day One:

Workout: Focus T25 Cardio. While I am definitely in much better shape than when I began BBL almost a year ago to date, I felt still slightly out of shape for this one. It’s some hardcore, speed work that will get your heart pumping in the first three minutes. Although I did need to follow Tania for part of the time (she is the lower impact performer), I really like this for its cardio work, but also for its leg work – yes ladies, this one really works your legs with tons of squats and lunges.

Diet: Really focused my diet on eating almost all whole foods – trying to limit even whole wheat bread or pasta to one day a week or less. Felt really hungry the entire day, but this is how I normally feel when I cut out bready carbs. Stuck to grilled chicken and steamed broccoli for dinner with a glass of warm lemon water that night – an hour and a half before bed to make sure I didn’t wake in the middle of the night :)

Day Two:

Workout: Focus T25 Speed 1.0 – The name of this workout pretty much defines it – you move fast and explosively, getting you in better shape for all kinds of outdoor activities. While I couldn’t move quite as fast as them the entire time, I did keep up for the majority. Man, is it a good workout.

Diet: Started the day with Shakeology again, this time opting for Chocolate with a tablespoon of peanut butter to liven it up. Already my skin is looking more glowing again due to the insane amount of fruits and veges I ate the day before. Stomach is looking flatter from the lower amounts of sodium.

Day Three:

Workout: Focus T25 Total Body Circuit – This was definitely the MOST difficult of the five workouts for the week. I had trouble keeping up throughout, having to modify my moves to follow Tania again. While I have some strength from BBL, this workout requires much more upper body strength than I currently have – think spider push-ups and lots of plank work. However, this only gives me incentive to push harder to see how much stronger I get week to week.

Diet: Guess what’s for breakfast? Yes, Shakeology again. But this time Tropical Strawberry with a kiwi blended in – really good, btw! Giant grilled chicken salad for lunch that took me almost an hour and a half to eat. Fine for most of the day, but suddenly, I felt the withdrawal symptoms from eating no bread carbs.

Day Four:

Workout: Focus T25 Core – Okay, so this was actually my Day 5 workout, because my right obliques felt pulled, and I didn’t want to chance really injuring myself – but it really is Day 4 on the schedule. It’s a lot of lower abdominal work, which is definitely not my strong point – haven’t seen more than a 4-pack ever! But again, this just makes me want to keep pushing to see where I end up.

Diet: Today, I felt much better than yesterday. No mean streak or lethargy. This is totally normal by the way when you’ve been eating not as healthy as you could be, and then suddenly start eating 100% clean. Chicken has become a staple in my diet – thank goodness

Day Five:

Workout: Focus T25 Lower Body Focus and Cardio – So…needless to say, it was Friday, and I did not have the time to do both workouts. And I did not physically feel like I could finish them both without collapsing, I just didn’t have it in me mentally either. It was a long hard week at work, and I was just happy with myself for eating healthy all week and not missing a workout even when I was sore. I just did the Ab workout I missed from the day before. However, Lower Body Focus does just that…focuses on every area below the waist. From your hip flexors to your calves, Shaun T works them all. If you think your legs feel sore after Bum Bum, then you haven’t done this workout. Not that BBL doesn’t make your rear sore – this one just feels like the kind of soreness you get from weightlifting. I felt this in my hamstrings, glutes, calves, and quads.

Diet: It’s getting easier to eat healthy, since I physically look healthier and that’s the only kind of food that is in the house. Made homemade low-fat pizza for dinner with whole wheat crust, low sugar natural pizza sauce, low-fat shredded four cheese blend, and half an onion and a whole green pepper diced. Oh my gosh, if you ever feel like you want to quit eating healthy, this is definitely something to try. Your family won’t know that it’s good for them :)

Focus T25 Week One Results

My Focus T25 Week 1 Results
My Focus T25 Week 1 Results

So…what you’ve all been waiting for – how the workout can change your body in one week. I feel bad that if you’re looking to see how the program helps you with weight loss, I’m not going to show it all that much, since I  have been able to keep my weight off from doing BBL before. However, I have lost even more fat – including a quarter inch off my hips and a quarter inch off my stomach – something I didn’t even think would be possible.

The truth is, you may not notice a difference from the photos, but I can really feel and see a difference in the muscle tone and definition of my entire body. My quads are starting to show the split along the front, and my butt has lifted even more. The line below my tush is getting smaller, my abs are getting more defined, and the rest of my body is just more defined than before as you can see from the photos.

I can’t wait to see what happens in the next week, so stay tuned. For now, if you’re looking to lose weight and get in shape in just 25 minutes a day, Focus T25 could be the answer you are looking for. For a limited amount of time order here to get the T25 workout core speed a $19.95 value.

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45 thoughts on “My Focus T25 Week One Results”

    1. Hi Amanda, You have been dieting and exercising for two weeks, I’m sure you are getting results. You don’t feel better at all? If you are not getting the results that you want I would suggest looking at what you could improve, is your diet spot on, how about the workouts are you putting your all into each and every one.

  1. Hi Bethany!

    I’ve recently completed P90X3 (with some modifications from time to time) and have lost 10 lbs and dropped 2-3 sizes. Before beginning that program, I lost about 20 lbs eating clean. I’m excited about my results and feel like I’m at a good weight. I am also starting to see some ab definition and know have have gained muscle in my arms and legs for sure. The problem areas I want to work on now are my legs and butt as well as getting more of a leaner (maybe A little less muscular but more of a toned look) and my legs and butt. The back of my legs and butt are droopy and still have that cellulite look. I Searched for a BBL and T25 hybrid but couldn’t find one that didn’t have 2 workouts in 1 day. With my busy work and mom schedule I don’t think I can fit in more than 30-45 each day. Do you think the T25 program by itself would be a good option for me? Thanks so much!

    1. HI Alicia, Nice work! If you wanted to the hybrid just deop one of the workouts on the double days. You could also just go with a straight out T25 schedule. Bethany

  2. Hello!
    Nice review on T25. My cousin recommended the program to me and told me where to get copies of the alpha phase to get started. It was a literal sweaty hell (even while following the modified!) with me being so out of breath I could barely talk (the swear words were left raving in my head), but oh boy was the pain worth it. The scale hasn’t moved to my favor, but I feel lighter and healthier than I’ve ever been in years!

    I can only hope that Shaun T will also consider marketing T25 internationally so that people from Asia can buy it as well. I’d give my support to the program if I could, but the least I could do is promote its effectiveness to everyone I know. Best 25 minutes of your life everyday!

    In the meanwhile, I’ll stick with the program and maybe one day kick that scale to side with me for once. XD Happy trails and stick with it! Focus!

  3. Hi

    I was just wondering I have just started t25 and I was wondering if it easy to loose a cup size or two of your chest.


  4. Hi,

    Myself and my husband have just finished week one of the Alpha circuit T25. I also go to a circuit class on a Monday and a Wednesday evening. We are not following the diet or having the Shakeology but then you cant buy this in the UK. We eat pretty healthy, i.e cutting down on bread. More Vegetables, swapping normal white potatos to sweet potatoes etc.. We both avoid sugar in our drinks and dont eat chocolate in the week or anything fattening.I have switched from coffee to green tea which takes some getting used to but is supposed to have health benefits. We are also not over weight. I would just like to use the Focus T25 to tone up everywhere. Was also hoping to lose a few pounds but so far the weight has stayed pretty much the same. Lose a pound one day and put it back on another. I find this odd since I’ve gone from having a huge break from exercise due to health issues to exercising 5 days per week??!! Do you think this is because it is too early to judge?? I am a little bit disheartened as when I read the reviews at first from the T25 I was instantly hooked on buying it. Now I am wondering if this is just a hype and a huge advertising campaign??
    I do enjoy the workouts Sean T is amazing and definitely keeps us focused and I wanna keep it up but I have read another blog and someone followed the entire T25 workout Alpha and Beta and there was no weight loss other than a feeling of being more fit??

    Can you advise me on how to get the best results.

    many thanks


    1. Hi Giulia, You are only a week in, it is very early. Your body weight can fluctuate 1-5 pounds a day so that is nothing to be concerned about. You will have weight loss if you create a calorie deficit, you would maintain if you ate as many calories as your body was burning. Just stick with it and I would only weigh-in once a week and don’t get caught up in the scale, it just measures weight not necessarily change. Bethany

  5. Just wanted to stop and tell you what an inspiration you are! You’re so great to answer everyone’s questions and detail your experiences. I started T25 today and reading your article on the difference between Insanity and T25 really helped me choose. Also the list of necessary equipment to which workout was also very helpful. Keep doing you!

    I’m 180lbs and I’m 6ft. I’m not trying to lose too much weight but trying to build more muscle and get a little more lean. Do you think it’ll be okay if I don’t follow the nutrition plan at all? Will I still see results? I’m a college student and the nutrition plan is a little hard to follow between busy classes and budgeting.

    1. Hi Ben, Thank you for the kind words! I would try to incorporate the basics of the diet. But, you do not have to follow it exactly to see results, being in school with a tight budget would make it extremely difficu;t to do so. But, try to make smart choices, I know when I was in school we had a salad bar that I would start at first and then I would try to choose a lean protein if possible. Just try to make smart decisions, if you have the option for fruit or chips chooose the fruit. Bethany

  6. Hello Bethany,
    Thank you for posting your run-down of your first week of T25. I am not over weight, but I am out of shape. I started T25 last Monday and when I took my “Staturday” measurements, nothing had changed (although I have been sweating my face of!). I do notice that my muscles are toned a tiny bit more though. :) So far I struggle to get through the workouts and pretty much fall over every time Sean starts doing his yoga poses for stretching. I do hope things will get better. I am not taking the Shakeology (just never liked health shakes), and I have not changed my eating habits because I do eat pretty well. However, since starting T25, I am so ravished in the evenings! To get rid of the hunger, I eat low-sodium miso soup with konjac noodles and seaweed, but sometimes that is not enough and I end up going to bed with a growling stomach. Is this hunger part of starting up a fitness program or should I be eating something a little more filling?

    1. Hi Naomi, I would suggest something a little more filling. Maybe a little almond butter spread on celery sticks or cottage cheese. The protein and healthy fats should help. I know it sounds a little counterproductive, but you are taxing your body with workouts and it needs proteins and healthy fats to enhance recovery. Bethany

  7. Hello! I’m Timothy… I’m 18 years of age and I’m from Philippines. I just read your review about Focus T25 and it inspires me though. I’m out of shape. I weigh 192lbs. I wanted to change my lifestlye and wanted to be more happy so I decided to try T25. I’m currently doing T25 and I’m on day 3. So far, it feels amazing. I have just one concern and I hope you can help me out with this. Ok.. so here it goes… I’m not fun in preparing my own meal. Whatever is served by my mom that’s what I need to eat but she prepares healthy food most of the time especially our viand. It is okay not to follow what’s written in the nutrition plan? Instead, I’ll just eat more of the healthy viands partnered with just one cup of white rice.In other words, I’ll just make my own nutrition plan. :)

    Looking forward for your response. Thank you and God Bless!

    1. Hi Timothy, Glad to hear you are enjoying the T25 program. As for diet, just do your best. Pile on the healthy foods and eat a little less of unhealthy ones your mom makes for you. Sounds like she will be supportive of you. In the end, just do the best you can! By the way, what is a viand? Bethany

      1. Hi, Filipinos mostly eat a high carb diet consisting of a portion of rice and a smaller portion of a meat/fish/veggie dish. Those dishes or rice toppings are what you call viands. :) Totally counterproductive to losing weight, to be sure.

        By the way, trying Focus T25 for the second time in about a year. I’ve finished several Beachbody programs before, but I ended up stopping working out two months ago for sheer lack of motivation. Hopefully I’ll finish the program this time around. Wish me luck!

      2. Hello!
        I am 21 years old, 5’8 and 160 pounds. I want to lose 18 pounds and have just recently the past few days started a lower caloric diet while also cutting out foods like breads and pastas and munchies. I do not really work out as I find any excuse not to do it which is why i got t25. Do you think this is the right choice for me or should I try something like insanitymax30? I was atheltic in high school but not so much anymore I work out maybe once a week IF that. I also really want to tone up and gain a little muscle to help me lose more weight. I really want to go back down to my 142 weight and I want to know what your thoughts are. Thanks!

      3. HI Kara, T25 sounds like the perfect place for you to start. MAX:30 workout would be a good follow up program to try.

  8. Thank you for this! I am starting this this week (started a bit last week but ended up getting a cold).
    I have to work out before work (aka 5:30am), and when I tried doing it when I first got up, I noticed I was getting nauseated and dizzy. Is there something I can eat before my workout so I don’t feel sick to my stomach? Something that can be digested quickly as I may have an extra 15 mins to spare….

    1. Hi Sara, I know it sounds odd, but I would recommend a small vegetable snack. Half a sliced cucumber, worked well for me when I had to rise and exercise. -Bethany

  9. What happened to the results from the rest of the weeks? I don’t see any further blog posts on T25 results. Interested in he whole story. =)

  10. I purchased t25 back in January and do it faithfully in Conjunction with my running. ( I run 4 days a week with a long run with 8+ miles on a Saturday. I have noticed some definition in my waist and rib cage but haven’t lost any weight. I watch my diet too. I saw the comment about over training, do youth in this could be what has me stuck on “the last 10 pounds”?

    1. Hi Donna, could be overtraining, 8 miles and T25 in the same day is a lot. I have a T25 and running schedule post under the T25 category that you may find helpful. The last ten pounds is always the most difficult to lose, you need to be near perfect in training and diet. Sounds like you are building muscle and losing body fat if you are seeing more muscle definition and the scale is not moving down. -Bethany

  11. Hi Bethany, you’re indeed an inspiration to me to adapt to healthy lifestyle. I have a question, for someone like me who has not been working out for years and gaining pounds would it be recommended to start w T25 or brazil butt lift program first?

    1. Hi Hyatt, either program would be good for a beginner. If you had more than twenty pounds to lose, I would begin with T25, focus on the weight loss and then move onto BBL when you want to tone and shape. -Bethany

  12. Hi Bethany Lyn,

    My daughter and I are going to start Alpha on Monday, I was hoping you could advise on what age is acceptable to engage in this activity.

    1. Hi Peter, Beachbody programs are intended for individauls 18 years of age and older. Make sure to check with her doctor before beginning any type of strenous exercise. -Bethany

  13. Lauren Hutchins Berryhill

    I was searching for t25 before and after results on google and came across your page. It sounds as if you have had great results. I’m recovering from hip surgeries (both hips) from dancing for so long in life. Needless to say, with an injury like that I have been sedentary for years. I have a child (who is almost 11) and I really have yet to get my pre baby body back.
    Any recommendations for a fitness “newbie?” Is the modified version enough to see some results? I know I’ll work up to the full strength version!
    And also, I can’t place it, but I know you from somewhere. I’ve moved so much in my life it could be anywhere…. Massachusetts, colorado…. It’s driving me crazy!!!
    Thanks for any advice!

    1. Hi Lauren – You will get great results whether you do the program full force or not. And you’re right, you will end up being able to do the workouts full strength in no time. When you’re first beginning to exercise after a long time away, the safest and most effective way to lose weight is to take it slowly and do the workouts at your own pace – remember that it’s not a contest and no one is watching. If you need to walk it out or pause the workout, just do it. You will be much more likely to stick with it.

      As long as you’re eating a reduced-calorie whole foods diet and following the workouts, you will get your pre-baby body back guaranteed. T25 is an awesome workout that gets people real results, so you’ll be seeing the smaller, sexier you in no time. Good luck – if you have any questions along the way, please feel free to ask.

      PS – I am from Massachusetts, so maybe it’s from there?

      1. It is from Massachusetts. Did we dance together?? Charlotte Klein or Dawn’s Dance? You lived in Auburn, no? Tom….my high school sweetheart….I think you lived down the street from him?
        Anyway….I have taken to the Piyo videos. I did ok with the T25 ad still think that I will get to the point where I can do it, but I am all about succeeding and feeling good about what I do, and I hate doing the modifications. I like to go all out!!! I just had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago, and am already back at Piyo. You look so great….you are a true inspiration!!!!

      2. Hi Lauren, Yeah…idk. I think we went into how the names sound familiar a while ago. Glad to hear you like PiYo, those workouts are great in so many ways! Bethany

  14. heeey bethanny

    omg i just came across ur post and searched it on youtube i loved the results of the girl in the blue dress she didnt bulk up at all

    omg im so interested in doing this but will it bulk me up ??? i noticed one girl in the promo who has got a bit of defined arms which i dont want if i dont use dumbells will i achieve the girl in the blue’s result omg she looks amazing

  15. I’m finishing week 3 and haven’t seen any results….I even added in a 3 mile run twice a week! And I’ve cut back on the carbs and have been making smoothies for at least one meal. Any advice?

    1. Hi Diana, not seeing any results after three weeks is troublesome. Have you been keeping track of your calories online? Are you following a reduced calorie diet? You really don’t need to cut carbs if you’re eating a well-rounded diet and the right amount of calories.

      Also, running that much with the program is too much – you’re going to overtrain and not end up seeing any results.

      Which leads to this question: how are you tracking your progress right now? Are you taking measurements and photos each week? The scale and your eye are not always the most reliable ways to notice changes in your body. I hope this helps, but please let me know if you have any other questions. Just keep going – it is the only way you will change your body.

  16. desy terschlusen-verschoor

    Hello Bethany,

    I’m from the Netherlands, and I would love to have a coach, but you need an american or canadian adress to write yourself in with teambeachbody. Can you help me with this?

    As a working mom I thought it would be great to do T25. So I started this monday.
    Man, this is hard work! I really feel like giving up, ’cause my muscles are aching so much after 3 days.
    But I know with giving up I will never get in shape, so I will keep on going (for now).

    Hope you have an answer for the teambeachbody-thing.

    Best regards, Desy

    1. Hi Desy, congratulations on your decision to start T25! It’s a really tough workout that will whip you into shape super fast. Aching muscles are just a sign that you’re working them, so keep up the good work, and don’t give up! As you work out longer, your body will grow more accustomed to working out, so you won’t feel quite as sore, and the workouts will also get a little bit easier once you start building your endurance.

      If you have any questions along the way, never be afraid to leave a comment or email me. Unfortunately, Beachbody doesn’t do the International coach thing just yet, but I’d be happy to help you at any time as if I were your official coach. Hope that helps – good luck!

  17. I’ve been doing Focus off and on since it came out. I’ve gotten really wonderful results but it bulked up my legs and butt. I had to stop working out for about 5 weeks, we moved from Italy to CA. My legs have slimmed down but are flabby. I love T25 but I don’t want my bottom half to be thick and bulky. Any advice? I do follow the calorie intake and number of meals. I just hate that my legs bulked up. Any help would be great.

    1. Hi Kristy, happy to hear you are getting great results with T25! Maybe try replacing the lower focus workout with cardio or a speed workout. This way you will not be targeting your lower body as much and will get in more cardio work. -Bethany

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