Make Being Fit A Part of Who You Are

This picture looks like it is from when I was on a roller coaster ride of gaining and losing 20-25 pounds every other year.

Everything I share on my website is for you to help you get in the kind of shape you’ve always wanted to be by living a healthier, happier life.

In my opinion, you can’t live a fully happy life if you’re not happy with how you look of feel.

Healthy body = healthy mind and spirit.

Being physically fit is a pillar, and once you have control of your health, you will find it easier to conquer other aspects of your life..

Why I Started The Fitness Focus

I failed a countless number of times to lose weight and keep it off, so starting a blog seemed like a great way to keep me motivated. I would have to continue to work out if I were to write about my workout progress. I never really thought it would help me motivate others to achieve their health and fitness goals, which is what I have shifted my focus to.

While I am still talking about my own fitness, helping others reach their own health and fitness goals is my primary focus. Leading a healthier lifestyle is not something anyone can force you to do – it’s a decision you have to make. While I can help you every step of your journey, you need to be the driver – I’m the passenger.

Get Simple and Stay Consistent

The fitness industry has an incredible amount of information, so it is easy to get overwhelmed. Even I get overwhelmed at the bombardment of information. It’s hard to tell fact from fiction, so that’s where I like to break things down for you.

In reality, it is simple be fit. You just need to eat right, exercise, and be consistent. You can’t exercise for one week, take a week off, and then start back up again.

Read a Few of My Fitness Reviews

I only write about what I have done, tried doing, or am doing. I find it useless to write about something I know nothing about.

I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all fitness program. Everyone is different and every body is different. Finding the right program for you does not have to be a challenge. I have written many in-depth articles about the following at home programs that will help you make the right decision:


21 Day Fix


Focus T25

Brazil Butt Lift


Your Expectations

Don’t expect overnight changes! Is it better to lose 1-2 pounds per week for a year and keep it off for life, or is it better to lose 20lbs in one month just to gain it back it in two weeks?

How Long Does it Take to See Workout Results?

Oh, and don’t forget to throw that stupid scale away (you don’t literally have to), but it really isn’t the best way to track your fitness results.

How to Measure Your True Fitness Progress

Keep Learning

Always keep exploring and experimenting to find what works best for you. Try to make fitness a part of an overall healthy lifestyle not just something you do to lose excess weight.

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