There is so much on the Internet about the Brazil Butt Lift diet plan that it is often difficult to discern what is accurate and what is not, which is why I felt it necessary to write about what to really expect from the Brazil Butt Lift workout meal plan when you order the Brazil Butt Lift workout program.

Before I bought the program, I did my own research on what to expect with the Brazil Butt Lift diet plan. Suffice to say, much of it was wrong. First of all to put one repeatedly seen myth to rest, it is NOT all fish and legumes. So if you’re a fish-phobe like many people are, don’t worry. I actually was expecting some terrific new spins on grilled fish, and then was pleasantly surprised to find such recipes as black bean soup and salad or turkey meatballs.
There are only a few fish recipes in the entire Fat Burning Foods guide that you can easily substitute with another lean protein if you absolutely can’t stand fish. However, with the recipes and seasonings, you might just enjoy it more than you thought you ever would. The only time I would not recommend doing substitutions is if you choose to do the 6-day Supermodel Slimdown Plan, since the recipes were purposely chosen for their synergistic qualities and their calorie restrictions.
Brazil Butt Lift Diet Review
One great thing is you don’t have to go to a specialty health food store to find any of the ingredients, which I am thrilled about. Healthy food can get very expensive, and I don’t happen to have a Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s in the area. I have found everything at my local supermarket and enjoy the health food section of Stop-n-Shop.
Honestly, so far so good. I am a very picky eater, and I have to say, there has not been a recipe I tried that I did not enjoy. This meal plan has me trying new combos like chicken with spreadable goat cheese and avocado, although I am not fond of mangoes which is something I still need to find a nutritional replacement for. Mangoes are a oft-found ingredient in everything from breakfast ideas to desserts.
Say Yes to Dessert
Yes, you read it correctly. You are allowed to eat desserts on the Brazil Butt Lift diet. While I would definitely stick with the options they give you, you can easily substitute in one flavor of sorbet for another or swap out one fruit for one you prefer. There is a dessert to accompany each meal. They’re healthy, tasty options that will curb any ice cream or sweet craving you might get during your time on the program.
Thus far I have not craved anything sweet. I still have a cashew brag on my counter that I am going to need to give away. I just haven’t even wanted it – especially with all the healthy, well-balanced whole food meals I’ve been eating.
It’s also great for other reasons though, because it gives you snack options, in addition to healthy options while you’re eating out or just on the go. I knew I had made the right choice in exercise program when I saw a recommendation for a convenience store snack – baked potato chips! That just made me feel like if I ever do really need chips during the diet due to a severe craving, I can have it without feeling guilty.
How the Fat-Burning Foods Guide Works
Before beginning the program, you need to calculate how many calories you can eat each day, which means you will need to weigh yourself – something you will need to do as soon as you get your Brazil Butt Lift workout program in the mail.
It’s extremely simple, so don’t worry about having to figure any complex equation. All you need to do is times your current weight by 10, then round up to the calorie level closest to your number: 1200, 1400, 1600, and so on. The diet is based around 1200 calories daily, so if you’re like most women, you will probably need an extra few hundred calories. This is where the Savvy Skinny Snack List comes into play.
Just make sure you do not go below the 1200 calorie level – this is unhealthy and will not provide you with the energy you will need to finish the workouts with energy, leaving you without zest, anxious, and irritable. And do not go above 2000 calories.
The Foods
There are so many different foods and food recipes in the Brazil Butt Lift Fat-Burning Food Guide that I can’t tell you all about it without writing a book. I can tell you that there are a ton of regular foods from onion and peppers with turkey sausage to chicken fajitas. And yes, you can eat carbs.
The Brazil Butt Lift meal plan is not one that omits carbs. In fact, there are a terrific variety of carbs that you get with every meal from whole wheat english muffins to baked potatoes. And you do not have to eat an insane amount of protein or cut out your fat. This is a healthy, well-balanced diet meant to help you maximize fat loss, getting you in the best shape of your life.
While there are fancier options for meals, there are always ways to make any of the recipes into your own by replacing some of the veges or fruits with ones you like more – the book includes an entire substitution list. I must say though, in the beginning, I really looked into the substitution list, but now, I find myself more willing to try new foods in new combinations. Most often, I am loving them. I won’t say always, but mostly.
You Can Snack on the Brazil Butt Lift Diet
If you’re over 130 pounds, then you will need to add the snacks to your diet to get your recommended daily amount calories. Of course, they are all very healthy options. They are also very interesting options that are sure to please even the most discriminating tastes – like mine!
I have enjoyed several options from the 100 calorie and 200 calorie snack lists so far, but just a few of my favorites are the Coco Loco (Chocolate Shakeology with peanut butter, water, and ice – blended…yummy!), nonfat plain yogurt topped with fruit (I like frozen fruit for this to give it a frozen yogurt texture – but it is summer right now, so that may change in the winter), dark chocolate (yes, that’s right ladies and gents…you can enjoy chocolate!), coconut water, apple with peanut butter, sorbet with blueberries, and many, many more.
The choices are many, and up to this date, I have tried almost all of them. I’m not a huge fan of hummus, but I will eat the red pepper kind, so that is what I use when a recipe calls for it. I’ve heard garlic hummus is fairly tasty too, but I haven’t gotten around to trying it yet.
Don’t Forget Your Water
One major requirement of the Brazil Butt Lift diet is that you consume plenty of water each day. While we should all already be drinking lots of water, it is a must for getting the booty you’ve always wanted. And if you don’t like drinking plain water, then fear not…there are even some terrific ideas for adding some zest to your water like lime, grapefruit juice, or frozen grapes.
Cocktails, Anyone?
And for those who need their cocktail every now and then, it does allow for it as long as you don’t forget to keep track of how much you’re consuming and keeping it very limited. Keep in mind that 1.5 oz. of vodka, rum, or whiskey has 95 calories straight. So, remember that when you add it to your favorite mixer.
A glass of wine is also okay to drink. I, personally, am holding off on any alcohol until I’m finished, I don’t want to sabotage the program in any way. It’s a lot of hard work, so I just don’t want to waste any calories I could use consuming highly nutritious food that makes my skin glow.
My Complexion’s Improved
Not sure if it’s the diet, the Shakeology, or a combination of both, but did I mention that my skin is glowing , and I have not had one zit in the past two weeks? Apparently my diet was so crappy before that I had no vitamins and minerals to give my complexion any color and control the flare-ups. I went from sallow yellow to golden in just over a week, and I have not been out in the sun yet. When I do go outside, and even when I’m just in my home, I am always wearing SPF30-SPF70.
Try the Diet You’ll Enjoy It
The Brazil Butt Lift diet is none to get anxious over. I realize that what you hear mostly is about the Brazilian-inspired dishes, but there is nothing too exotic in there. There are a few areas where cinnamon is added to some things that I never would’ve thought of adding it, and there are some shrimp, tilapia, and mango, but there has been nothing where I’ve been overwhelmed by the exotic flavor.
Anyone will love the Brazil Butt Lift meal plan. It has enough delicious, healthy regular foods that you should feel satiated all the time and not want to binge on chocolate chip cookies or potato chips. From my experience with Zone diets, Atkins diets, P90X diets and so on, I have to say that this is the ONLY diet plan I have ever tried that I have boasted of, given recipes to friends and family, and truly enjoyed. It’s so good, it’s almost worth ordering the workout program just for this.
It is a way to eat healthy and clean meals that are tasty and easy to prepare.
Hi, I recently moved to a new house and during the move I lost my book of recipes. Does anyone know where I might find it or get a replacement. I managed to not lose the movies so I am happy about that. Thanks
If you ordered through Team Beachbody you could try contacting customer support and see if they could help. If you are a Beachbody On Demand member(online access of all workouts and guides) you can find all the materials in pdf under the “Program Materials” tab. Bethany
Hello I’m recently going to start the Brazil butt lift workout but I’m vegan I would like to know if I can eat the same way as I’m eating now with the program or do I have to restrict ? I eat a wholesome diet of fresh veggies, complex carbs all my sugar comes from fruit pretty much and dates. I keep my fats very low and we’ll it’s pretty much high carb but I eat lots of chickpeas, lentils, beans, quinoa, brown rice, I don’t use oils when cooking and I do get enough protein a day so yes my calories for a day are around 2500 will I be able to do it with this intake I would really appreciate any feedback miss Bethany god bless and have a wonderful day!
Hi Linda, All sounds good to me, but I would not be afraid of the healthy fats either. Olive oil. coconut oil, avocados, nuts, nut butters and seeds in moderation are all good sources of healthy fats filled with omega-3 fatty acids that help maintain our bodily functions.Bethany
thank you so much for replying miss Bethany, I haven’t looked at my messages since I haven’t bin well but thanks so much for replying I will not be afraid of healthy fats after all they will help along the process, since I’m going to start on Monday again as I got sick it was a little frustrating that I had to stop byt I realized that my body is not as strong to be doing the workouts in the same day so would it be possible if I can cut them in half like instead of doing 2 in the same day can I break them down into 2 days like Bum bum Monday and tummy tuck on Tuesday? Also would it be OK to do jogging ,stair climber or incline walking as an alternative to cardio axe? just in case I cant do it I would really appreciate any feedback I do feel bad that I’m barely replying but as it is my health hasn’t bin to good thank you again miss Bethany god bless! -<3
Hi Linda, Hope you are feeling better. You can split the workouts up and just do a single each day. The new bbl workout schedule I hear is a single workout a day. And yes if you are not a fan of the dancing in the cardio axe workout, another form of cardio is a great substitute for that workout. Bethany
Thank you so much miss Bethany for responding you rock god bless and have a wonderful weekend again you rock!!
Hi Bethany,
I am currently on day 7 of 21 Day Fix. I think it’s going well, but I have been having some concerns that I might look a bit masculine afterwards. I started looking into the Brazil Butt Lift and am thinking of switching after I have completed 21Day Fix (I’m not going to quit!) which Beachbody product do you prefer?
Hi Libby! My favorite programs were BBL, PiYo and MAX:30, but if you’re worried about looking masculine (I assume you mean you’re getting noticeable muscle), I would shoot for PiYo or BBL. BBL gave me a super nice and sexy shape, and PiYo gave me a similar shape but with a little more abdominal definition. PiYo’s edge would be the diet since it’s a newer program, although you could always incorporate the BBL diet into the 21DF diet to get the best of both worlds. If you legs are your least favorite body part, definitely opt for BBL. If you’re more concerned about your stomach, then PiYo would be better. I hope this helps! Bethany
Aloha Bethany Lyn, thank you for your spectacular review. question, I have been doing the 21 day fix and love it so much that i’m ready to step up my game to BBL and out of all diet food plans I find that the 21 day fix theory with the colored containers work for me. Would you think i could use this method plus the required foods for BBL work out? Im not fond of counting calories, i feel it takes up too much time and thought. thank you :)
Hi LS, you can stick with the 21 Day Fix diet and follow the BBL workouts no problem. In fact, I think it is a great idea. Bethany
Hello Bethany,
I would really like the Brazillian butt lift dvd, but am not really sure if they are available in Africa. Is there any chance of getting one of the dvds?
Hi Rhobi, Beachbody ships internationally, so I would say your chances of getting the DVDs are excellent :) Hope this helps and that you enjoy the program! Let me know if you have any questions along the way.
Hi Bethany!
I have a quick question, which always seemed to confuse me: do you subtract your calories burned from exercise from your total allowed calories? I am using an app to track my daily calories and it automatically subtracts the calories burned through my BBL workout, therefore, I tend to eat more calories overall during the day. I am on week two on Classic solution and don’t have much fat to lose, maybe a few lbs distributed mostly on my lower half (bigger thighs and calves, but flat abs and skinny arms). Based on the recommended daily calories, I am supposed to eat 1200, but if I burn 350+ calories on my workout and other errands throughout the day, there are not many calories left and I feel quite drained. On the other hand, I don’t want to jeopardize the results I would get if I restricted the calories I ate. I tend to eat about 1500 – 1600 calories/day, from where I subtract the workout calories I burnt through the workout, leaving the 1200 calories allowed. Am I doing this wrong? Would really need an advice from someone like yourself that succeeded through the BBL program. Thank you so much in advance!
Hi Sabina – when you use those calorie calculators, they always add in the extra calories for the ones you’re burning during your workouts. BBL is intended to be done by adhering to their calorie recommendations, so if it suggests 1200 for you, then that is what you should be eating to get maximum results. That being said, if you’re still feeling really hungry and lethargic by the end of the day, I would add in at least a 100 calorie snack to every day and see if that helps. You may even need to add in a 200 calorie snack depending on how fast your metabolism is naturally. During my BBL program, I ate 1400 calories, until I hit below 130 lbs, then I went down to 1200. If I was really famished, I would just have a healthy snack. Hope that helps. Keep up the good work :)
Thanks, Bethany! I will definitely follow your advice and lower my calorie intake. I’m happy to have found your blog, lots of useful info! :)
Hi Bethany!
Your results are awesome :) Did you follow the diet plan exactly? I don’t have a whole lot of time to cook, but I was wondering if I can still get the same results if I stick to the 1400 calories and watch my fat and carb intake as well. I also saw that you did not have any alcohol? Do think this helped you maximize your weight loss?
Hi Laura, I did not follow the diet plan exactly. I did try lots of the recipes from the book, but I stuck to a whole food healthy diet with correct ratios of fat to protein to carbs. You can get just as good of results without following the diet plan to a tee and watching your calories, but really try to eat whole foods. It’s all the sugars and refined carbs that make cellulite and fat very tough to get rid of. As for no alcohol, I did drink at a wedding one time, but not heavily. My thoughts are that, because I was eating so few calories, I didn’t want to waste them on alcohol. I do think having no alcohol helps, because your body doesn’t dehydrate and go into a mini-panics with circulation being affected. However, it’s up to you – I don’t think it will break your results unless you binge drink while on the program. I hope this helps. Good luck!
Hi Bethany,
Where can I get the fat burning foods book if I don’t have one? Or, is there a cook book that you would recommend? I would like to have an idea of what to cook through out the day. I have been craving chocolate cake and fatty foods but trying to stop my self, I just don’t want to eat the same thing everyday. I’m on my 3 day of my classic work out and am more hungry. I do notice a difference on my rib cage area, you have been so much help. Cant wait to see the results after the 60 days.
Hi Ellie! If you don’t have the fat-burning foods guide, you could try to contact Team Beachbody directly to see if there is any way to get one without having to repurchase the program. There really isn’t any cook book that I’ve absolutely loved that is full of healthy, tasty meals that don’t take 500 ingredients or 3 hours to prepare :)
And to be honest, I tried almost everything in the fat-burning foods guide, but I just stuck to a diet full of whole foods and/or healthy variations of my favorites like chicken fingers and pizza. I mostly ate simple things like fresh steamed veges with a touch of olive oil and chopped garlic (or just with Mrs. Dash garlic & herb seasoning if I was crunched on time), fruits, chicken marinated in healthy dressings, Shakeology, homemade lower fat vege pizza, fish seasoned with Mrs. Dash, chopped potatoes tossed with olive oil and seasoning, as well as all sorts of nuts and healthy fats. I will be including one of my favorite healthy recipes each week, since you are not the first to ask about diet. I didn’t have a ton of money to spend on groceries, so I was also very cost-conscience. I hope this helps you out somewhat, but if you do have any other questions, please ask. Good luck!