After my last article about the causes of cellulite, I figured I’d delve deeper into how diet can affect cellulite, since you hear so many conflicting reports about how diet and cellulite relate.
Well needless to say, ladies (and maybe some gents too!)…been there, done that, and all I can say is that diet plays a HUGE role in how much cellulite you have and how much you see. I have been very thin and had lumpy, bumpy cellulite due to an unhealthy diet full of refined sugars and unhealthy fats. Then, when I began eating healthy, the cellulite lessened noticeably to the eye and to the touch. Enough about me, here’s how diet affects cellulite:
A Balanced Diet is Key
You heard it once, and you’ll hear it again right now, but the key to noticeably less cellulite is a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. That means lots of whole foods with healthy fats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. You cannot be a carb and processed food junky and expect to have no cellulite.
Just eating less calories will not get rid of your cellulite…you really will have to put some effort in by eating a well-rounded healthy diet if you really want to get rid of the dimpled thighs and butt. Eating 1200 calories a day of Starburst and bread is not going to fair well with your cellulite. It’s all the toxins in an unhealthy diet that can curse you to a lifetime of orange peel skin – processed food really is a culprit in the battle of the cellulite.
Fiber is Essential 
This really could be part of the well-balanced diet part, but it’s so essential to getting rid of cellulite that I figured it deserved its own heading. Fiber is essential to getting rid of cottage cheese thighs (and from other areas of your body as well), because it helps your digestive system run efficiently. This means no toxic build-up within your intestinal tract, which means less toxic build-up in your body…including the layers of trapped fat in between your layers of skin.
For women, it is recommended to eat at least 25 grams of fiber each day. For men, you can eat 30-35 grams. You may be wondering how you could possibly ever consume that many calories each day, but really, it’s very easy – especially if you’re eating a healthy, well-rounded diet. I know I eat 25-30 grams of fiber each day, which is just from eating a healthy diet. Eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and you will be well on your way to consuming at least 25 grams of fiber each day!
Drink Lots of Water
Make sure you drink lots of water to help eliminate toxins from your body and keep cellulite at bay. Think of water as your own natural detox system. It helps flush your system by keeping your kidneys operating at full capacity (keeping them clean), which in turn, helps pass toxins through your system as efficiently as possible.
Keep Away from Alcohol and Cigarettes
As if all the warning labels on either aren’t enough, both alcohol and cigarettes can also affect the amount of cellulite your body holds….yes, they not only cause brain and lung cell damage, they also help contribute to cellulite.
Both alcohol and cigarettes affect your metabolism, which has an affect on how your body absorbs and holds the fat. They are also both toxic to your health. Alcohol also affects your body’s circulation, which as you learned in my What Causes Cellulite article, also affects your amounts of cellulite.
Cellulite Coffee Scrub Cleanse Recipe
I know this one is going to seem a little weird, but I had to offer it you, since there are some really rave reviews out there and apparently, it really does help reduce the appearance of cellulite. While it is not a long-term cure for the issue, it will help diminish the appearance almost instantly. Plus, I am always one for trying to find the most natural cures – not detox kits with stimulants or other unknown items in them.
Here’s how it works:
The caffeine and antioxidants in coffee are moderately effective in helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite – short term only. It’s like the muscle-relaxant eye creams that help reduce your wrinkles for 8 hours. As a natural stimulant, the caffeine dilates your blood vessels, temporarily tightening and toning your skin. In addition, the coffee helps increase blood circulation and reduces water retention, helping you smooth over the bumpy look of cellulite. The antioxidants in the ground coffee are also supposed to help your body release toxins, which is not only good for getting rid of cellulite, but also for healthy, glowing skin from head to toe.
Here’s the special coffee-grind scrub recipe:
- Mix 1/4 cup freshly ground coffee (freshly ground works best) with 3 tablespoons hot water. Allow the mixture sit for 10 minutes until a paste is formed.
- Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. This is what makes it easier to lather on all affected areas and helps offer extra moisturizing benefits.
Scrub Application Process:
- Cleanse all cellulite affected areas in a warm shower.
- Apply the coffee/olive oil paste to your affected areas by massaging in a circular motion for 2-4 minutes. Bare hands or a washcloth work best.
- Turn the shower back on and rinse with warm water to remove all grounds. Pat dry.
- Moisturize if needed.
No Miracle Products
While the coffee cleanse can help you reduce the appearance of cellulite almost instantly, it does not get rid of cellulite. To really help with cellulite, you really need to watch your diet. Once you begin to eat healthy whole foods and lots of water, your body begins to operate at top form once again. Unfortunately, there are no miracle cures for cellulite. There is no cream to magically eliminate it all and even plastic surgery is not a guaranteed solution.
It’s you making the decision to really want to get rid of the cellulite and sticking with the right kind of diet that is going to help over a period of time. It really won’t happen overnight, but it will happen with a little bit of effort on your part when you decide to live a healthier life. Combine that with the coffee grind scrub, and you are well on your way to a happier you :)
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could you tell me the foods to avoid to get cellulite
Hi Julie, I would try to avoid foods that cause bloating and water retention. These would be foods that are high in sodium like lunch meats and other processed foods. Generally speaking just eating healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs is all you really need to look your best. Bethany