I am always on the lookout for terrific tush-toning and core strengthening moves that will really whip my booty into shape for the much-dreaded bathing suit season. You can easily add this one to your current fitness program – no equipment needed! This is one that I must say I love, and I have been doing it while being temporarily out of commission. Sometimes I vary it up by putting my feet on the exercise ball, but it is usually enough as is. I hope to say hello to my bikini once again this summer, and it’s moves like this, along with the Brazil Butt Lift, that will help me reach my fitness goals!
Bridge March – No Equipment Needed! 
You begin this exercise by lying flat on your back with your knees bent up about hip’s width apart and feet flat on the floor – arms out to your side at shoulder level with palms facing up.
I. Slowly lift your hips off the floor so that your your body is in one straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Make sure to keep your tush tucked under you in what is known as the bridge position and your core tight. Also be sure to have your knees right above your ankles. See picture at right. I spared you from my own image that made me look very distorted and extra large.
II. Now, brace your abs as you lift one knee up so that your foot leaves the floor completely. Pretend you’re marching in place lifting your knee up to your hips if you can. Hold for two counts, then put your leg back down into the starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg – this is one rep. Repeat for 10 reps, making sure to keep your butt tucked tightly the entire set.
Lower your back and butt to the floor. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat 10 reps on each leg for 3 sets total.
Making the Bridge March Easier or More Challenging
Don’t feel overwhelmed if you can’t possibly do the 3 sets of 10 reps in the beginning. Start by doing only 5-10 reps of 2 sets. Work you way up – as you do the exercises more frequently, you will gain more strength. Eventually, you may even need to make the move more difficult by adding ankle weights. To keep the move challenging as you progress, just keep adding more weight to your ankle weights and holding the march position for longer each time.
is this reallyworking?From where I can order the cds or dvds ?
Hi Michaela – you can order the DVDs directly from Team Beachbody by clicking here. This is the only way you can get the free bonus workout DVDs.