While my previous article talked about when you can expect to see workout results. I felt it was also important to provide you with an easy to use body measurement tracking chart to keep track of your results and exactly how to use it.
You can download the body measurement tracking chart in an easy-to-print .pdf file here.
If you’re more interested in keeping track of your measurements on your computer, I’ve also created a measurement chart in excel that can be downloaded here.
What You Need to Take Your Measurements
Don’t worry…taking body part measurements is super easy. All you need is a flexible tape measure (fabric, not metal!) and a method to track your results like one of my above measurement trackers. You can find fabric tape measures at almost any art & craft or fabric store near you.
A partner to lend a hand is also a great help, they can make sure you are measuring in the same spot on both sides of your body, make sure the tape measure is level all the way around, they can also help measure some of the the harder to reach spots.
Optionally, a one hand tape measure made specifically for taking body measurements like the Perfect Waist Tape is great for when you can’t get assistance.
These are very accurate and simple to use. I keep mine tucked away with my other workout equipment which means no more “Have you seen the fabric tape measure” on Sundays.
Where to Make Your Measurements
When taking your measurements, you need to measure with the same tightness and same spot each and every time – otherwise, you are not going to get accurate readings. The measuring tape should neither be too tight nor too loose – what you should be going for is just taut. If skin is starting to bulge out from over and under the tape measure, you are measuring too tight, and if it’s moving around freely, you don’t have it tight enough.
Here are the body parts you should always measure and how to measure them properly:
- Neck – Measure around the smallest part of your neck.
- Chest– Measure around the fullest part of your bust, under your armpits and around your shoulder blades.
- Arms – Measure around the largest part of your arms (flexed or not flexed, just make sure to do it the same every week.)
- Waist – Measure around the smallest part of your waist, if you don’t have a pronounced waistline and you’re fairly straight, measure at the belly button.
- Hips – Measure around the widest portion of your hips.
- Thighs – Measure the circumference of the the fullest part of your thigh, usually about three inches from your crotch.
- Calves – Measure around the largest part of your calf (flexed or not flexed, just do it the same each time).
Why I Like Body Part Measurements Over the Scale
Muscle weighs the same as fat but does not take up as much space(muscle tissue is more dense than fat tissue), which means you could lose a ton of fat and not lose much weight if you’ve been putting on lean muscle mass. What commonly happens when people begin a new fitness program is they lose fat and replace it with muscle. This means the scale could remain the same even though you’ve lost five pounds of fat and replaced it with five pounds of muscle. A good thing to always remember is this: losing inches is great tracker of success!
Taking your body part measurements will let you know if you are building muscle and losing fat, while a scale only measure body weight is just not smart enough to figure that out. You’ll know this by your body part measurements getting smaller while the scale number doesn’t go down too much. This is how I was able to tell that BBL was really toning my body. Even though I would only lose a little more than a pound a week, if I was losing inches, I knew I was on the right track.
Dear Bethany,
I weight 154 lbs. I have been hitting the gym daily since three months. I started gym at 162 pounds. I read your article and I am somewhat like you. I measure my body parts too. From this week I started swimming too, to lose faster. I wish to get tonned and lose all my fats. I think I am gaining muscles I guess. I am just 26 and I am fat for my age. I have a tummy problem. Dieting hard core doesn’t work for me. I just eat normal and eat less at night. I eat normal portion for my breakfast and lunch. Dinner I eat stir fry veggie or soup or salad. That is. Please advice me on my weight lost journey. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Sunita, Sounds like you are doing well. Hard core dieting is not something that I would ever advise, it might work for some people but usually not for the long term. As long as your eat normal is healthy whole foods of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and complex carbs you’ll get there.
I’m on my 5th week now. I don’t even lose an inch. What do you think is the problem? :/
Hi Sam, really can’t tell you what the problem is or if there is one. You could be replacing fat with muscle. Do you see a change in the mirror? -Bethany
Hi B, I need a little advice on my butt… My Butt is square and poofy at the top so how can I make more narrow at the top because it looks disgusting.. Everything else is fine just that butt ain’t right lol
I need a beach body like yours
Hey B, I need some advice please….I have a square butt and I was wondering if the beach body program is good for me? I hate my butt now!! I see that the top of my butt is my challenge because that’s were it is more square & poofy looking only at the Top :( I want it more narrow at the top to make me happy.. Please help Bethany
Hi Maria – If you’re very square, I would follow the Lift & Shape plan to get your butt shaped nicely and get rid of that pesky fat at the top :) As long as you cut your calories down and eat a proper diet, you will lose weight with BBL while simultaneously building up your butt muscles and creating some curve where you’d like it. If after a few weeks you do feel like the annoying back fat isn’t going away, you can always switch to the combination schedule, since it has as much (if not more) sculpting moves as the Lift & Shape plan has each week to shape your thighs and butt, in addition to more cardio to really get rid of any unwanted fat. And don’t forget to use ankle weights and use the heaviest regular weights you can – that is what will really build up your butt muscles. Good luck! If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to ask.