7 Ways to Stick With a New Exercise Program

Beginning any weight loss adventure can be tough – emotionally and physically. Whether you haven’t worked out in years or you’ve been eating less than healthy, transitioning to a healthy diet, while at the same time exercising almost every day, can take its toll.

It’s 100% Normal to Feel Like You Want to Give Up

Please do not worry if you’re feeling like you want to give up on your exercise program…it happens. My first words of advice are to not let this hinder your dreams of getting the body you’ve always wanted. Here are a few things that also helped keep me sane when I began the Brazil Butt Lift.weightloss

  1. Take the Workouts at Your Own Pace: There are so many at-home workout out there, but something that ensures you will get results in as little as 60 days is going to be tough – no joke. The trick is to not overdo it in the beginning and take it at your own pace. I often hear about how the workouts are too hard, so they feel helpless like there is no other choice than to quit.  I tell them to relax and do the workouts at their own pace – no one is judging you. Whether this means not doing as many sets, not using any weight, or taking breaks and walking it out throughout the workout, do what you need to do to finish the workout is entirely your business…nobody else’s. When I did the Brazil Butt Lift program, I hadn’t worked out or eaten right in years. The workouts were really tough in the beginning, but I just did them at my own pace. I had to pause several DVDs to march it out and catch my breath. The most important thing is that you give it all that you can, without injuring yourself, and take it one day at a time.
  2. Take Weekly Photos of Yourself: I know this may seem a little vain, but taking pictures really helps you SEE what is happening to your body. Sometimes you won’t lose a lot of weight for the week, but you may notice the difference in how your hips or your arms look. The scale is no longer the best means of tracking your weight loss success.
  3. Measure Yourself Each Week: For the same reasons as #2, you will definitely want to invest in a measurement tape if you don’t already have one to track your weight loss progress. There were times when I lost a little over a pound or not even, but when I measured myself, I was saw there were several inches lost, which helped me realize I was building muscle, which weighs more than fat.
  4. Learn to Motivate Yourself: This may sound silly, but one of the best ways to keep you motivated during your workouts is to envision what you want your body to look like (realistically speaking, of course!) Imagining yourself with the body of your dreams has been proven to help people stick with their workouts longer and keep them motivated each and every workout.
  5. Have a Support System: It’s not always the first thing on anybody’s list, but one really important aspect of sticking to a weight loss or new exercise program is having a support system for the days when you do reach for the bag of chips, eat more of the dark chocolate bar than you should, or you dread even the thought of working out and can’t possibly imagine summoning enough energy to change your clothes and press play. There were days when I felt like I wanted to cry because I was so tired or grumpy from a crappy day at work. Luckily, I had my online Team Beachbody Coach and buddies who were there for me 24 hours a day to help me out and get my  butt, and sometimes my emotions, back in gear.
  6. Schedule Your Workout Time: One of the best ways to stick with a new exercise program is to schedule your workouts. This way, you can’t make up excuses or try to find something better to do like washing the curtains or vacuuming the rug. Think about time of day and specific days, and put it in your daily planner – the visual reminder will help you feel obligated to completing it. And please be honest to yourself. Don’t schedule a morning workout if you can’t roll out of bed until ten minutes before you need to leave the house. Instead, always schedule your workouts for a time when you will have enough time to finish the workout with gusto.
  7. Reward Yourself: I think one of the best ways to keep yourself sane and motivated is to reward yourself when you’ve reached a mini goal…like finishing your workout without having to press pause or losing five pounds. Rewards don’t necessarily have to be food-based, although I did have fried chicken fingers at the movies one night after losing 2+ pounds in a week. If you’re going to reward yourself with food, please be reasonable. Don’t eat a whole chocolate cake. Instead, cut a small slice for yourself and savor every bite. You can also reward yourself with new shoes or new clothing.  For example, you can buy yourself a new yoga mat, new sneakers, new workout gear, or whatever your heart desires. This should keep you on track and looking forward to the next reached goal, like ten pounds lost or three inches off your hips!

If I didn’t take pictures of myself during my entire Brazil Butt Lift transformation, I would’ve quit after week one! Yes, it really was that bad for me. I felt like it was all for not until I saw the difference. I hope it’s not that bad for you, but if it ever is, please don’t stop. The only way to reach your weight loss goals is to stick with your exercise program no matter how much you want to give up.

If you have any questions along the way with your own workout program, please feel free to ask me anything, anytime. I’m here to help:)

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