PiYo. Who would have thought a workout combining yoga and pilates would become my favorite workout program from Beachbody?!
I do suggest that before attempting a hybrid schedule, it is best if you’ve already completed one round of at least one of the programs you plan to incorporate into your hybrid schedule.
For instance, I’ve finished one round of PiYo, but I have not ever completed Body Beast. At this point in time, I would really like to build up a little bit of muscle, and I would like to keep the functional strength, flexibility and muscular endurance I’ve acquired with PiYo. So, I am currently combining PiYo and Body Beast.
I see a lot of hybrid schedules floating around the Internet that are not designed very well, so be very careful when selecting which hybrid program you choose. When selecting a hybrid program schedule, you want to be sure it does not overwork a certain area of the body – especially on back-to-back days. For instance, PiYo Buns on Day 1 and then Body Beast Legs on Day 2 would be a poorly designed schedule, because you would be overtraining your legs.
Each PiYo hybrid schedule I provide below are 30-60 days, depending on what other workout program it is being combined with. I also included what kind of results you can expect from each schedule, because after all, your results are what really matter.
PiYo and Body Beast Hybrid Schedule
At the moment, this is the workout schedule I am currently following.
Before designing this schedule, I looked everywhere for PiYo and Body Beast combination schedules. Unfortunately, all the ones I found started with the Body Beast Build workouts in the first month, and then the Bulk workouts in the second month. For better results, I strongly believe you would want to begin with the shorter Body Beast Bulk workouts for month one, and then progress to the longer Build workouts for the second month. This way, you’re building up your endurance.
What to expect? The focus of the PiYo and Body Beast hybrid program schedule is first to build muscle with the Beast workouts, and increase flexibility, muscular endurance and build functional strength with PiYo.
Note: If you have the deluxe PiYo workouts, PiYo Full Body Blast can be followed in place of Sculpt. PiYo Strong Legs can be used in replace of Buns.
Click here to download the PiYo and Body Beast hybrid workout schedule in pdf format
PiYo and the 21 Day Fix Hybrid Schedule
This schedule combines the 21 Day Fix workouts with the Piyo workouts and is just 4 weeks long. If you would like to make this a 60-day schedule, simply repeat weeks 1 through 4.
What to expect? A super easy-to-follow diet plan with a workout that combines the innovative, muscle building, fat burning moves of the Fix with the functional strength, flexibility, and endurance of PiYo. Expect to lose weight fast and build lean muscle from head to toe.
Note: You do not have to use the 21 Day Fix containers if you don’t want. Either diet will provide you with healthy eating habits for a lifetime of well-being.

Click here to download the PiYo and 21 Day Fix hybrid workout schedule in pdf format
PiYo and Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid Schedule
After finishing the 60-day PiYo schedule, the first thing I tried to do was combine some of the PiYo workouts I loved with some of the Brazil Butt Lift workouts. I failed miserably on my first attempt from overdoing it. However, my second try was much more successful as I designed and followed a PiYo and Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid schedule that is targeted to toning your lower half.
What to Expect? A better looking backside. You’ll get the butt-targeting moves of BBL with the lengthening, strengthening and toning moves of PiYo to give you a smooth, sexy shape all over – especially your tush.
Note: I would follow the PiYo diet for this one. You’ll eat healthier overall, which will really help you get rid of cellulite and saddlebags.
Click here to download the PiYO and Brazil Butt Lift hybrid workout schedule in pdf format
PiYo and Running Hybrid Schedule
Many moons ago, I tried to train so I could run a 5k charity race. While I actually have yet to complete a 5k, my goal is run for pancreatic cancer this spring. This PiYo and running hybrid schedule is very similar to my popular T25 and running program that incorporates the very effective couch-to-5k running program.
If you try this schedule, please let me know how it goes, because I plan to start it once the trails around my house clear of snow.
What to expect? A killer body sans weights. You’ll get the muscle toning, flexibility, endurance and strength from PiYo with the slimming, leg-toning runs for a more athletic appearance and pristine endurance. If you want to feel more athletic, then this is definitely the program for you.
Click here to download the PiYO and Running hybrid workout schedule in pdf format
Let me know if there is another program you would like to see PiYo combined with in the comments section below, and I will try my best to create a new and effective hybrid schedule.
I’ve been looking for a hybrid of PiYo and Morning Meltdown 100, I’ve done both, but am not knowledgeable enough to feel comfortable to combine them on my own, probably sounds silly lol, could you help??
Hi Danielle, I would consider just alternating between the two and keep the workout pattern the same. Alternating between cardio and strength days and not hitting the same body parts on back to back days. Bethany
I am intrigued by your hybrid schedules. I’ve been wanting to do PiYo and Running so I was excited to get to your hybrid for that. With the unpredictable weather of the Midwest I figured I wouldn’t be able to stick to the schedule as I don’t have a treadmill. So I scrolled around and found the hybrid of PiYo and BBL! I have both and I am loving this schedule. It’s not too demanding, but at the same time a real challenge. I’m only in week 2 but I know I’ll finish all 8 weeks. I might do a second round at it as well depending on the results. I am impressed with the schedule as it keeps me interested. I usually find myself not completing any program all the way through since I get bored. I appreciate your reviews of these workouts as well, good tips! Thanks! Keep doing what you do!
You’re welcome!
the Piyo/P90X3 hybrid schedule –doesn’t show up and not able to print. Help!
Sorry I don’t have that on this site. I believe Beachbody On Demand has a couple under the Program Materials section if you using the platform.
PiYo/Barre Blend and PiYo/Liift 4 would both be awesome hybrid calendars! :)
Got a good Piyo + Cycling (training for a century) calendar? :)
Hi Tom, Sorry I’ve never done any typing of cycling so I would not know where to start. I say PiYo is a good functional training program that is great for cross training.
Thanks. Adapting your running + piyo calendar. Helpful!
Awesome! Glad it helped.
Hi! I was wondering about a PIYO and Turbo Jam hybrid??? I love Chalene and already own these two products.
Since Turbo Jam is mostly cardio I would just alternate the two workouts. One day PiYo then the next day the scheduled Turbo Fire workout and then continue alternating.
Could you show a transform 20 or insanity max 30 hybrid with piyo?
Since both Transform :20 and Insanity Max:30 are both cardio based. I would just consider alternating the two schedules together and follow the program schedule as they are laid out. Bethany
Hi. Do you or can you make a piyo/80DO hybrid? Thank you!!
Hi Angela, Not something that I’ve done yet. I like to do the workouts first(start 80 day obsession Monday). You just don’t want to do two workouts on back to back days that target the same area or very intense workouts on back to back days.
As a runner I wanted/ needed to add something to my workouts. I am a huge fan of PIYO an have felt and seen results from it in the past, though I get bored quickly and usually do not complete the 30-60 days of a program. PIYO is great for stretching my hips and legs as a runner. I love your PIYO and running. I had to shift the days a bit, Friday is my off day and I run on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, so I shifted the PIYO workouts to Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday based on the time I have. Longer workouts on Saturdays. Also since I am a runner, I don’t need to do the walking intervals, but to mix things up I use them as intervals to bump the pace higher. It’s winter so it easy on the treadmill so change to speed. I am loving your PIYO and running. I believe this is a program that I will finish the 10 weeks. :)
Thanks for the post.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing and you’re welcome!
Hi Bethany!
I was wondering what do you think would give the best results in regards to toning and building muscle…
or perhaps another hybrid??
Thanks so much! Love your website!
Hi Kae, Thanks! From the programs I have done, I would have to say the PiYo hybrid. It’s all bodyweight exercise but as long as you are progressively getting better at the moves you will build muscle and tone. Bethany
I am just about finished your PiYo/21 day fix schedule! Weeks 2 and 3 were killer. I was quite sore by Thursday/Friday both weeks. Week 4 is a lot of burpees and squats. But I loved it! I may do it again.
Awesome! Glad you found it a challenge!
Looking for a Piyo/10k training program. I’m a pretty seasoned runner and the only one I found didn’t seem to have a
enough mileage for me. Looking for an 8 week schedule. 10k is at end of April. Just ordered Beachbody Piyo as I want to work on strength and flexibility at same time. Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks.
Hi Carol, 5k is about as far as I can make it. Hopefully someone will see this comment and offer some advice. Bethany
How about Masters Hammer and Chisel?
Hi Monica, That might be a hard program to come up with a hybrid, Hammer & Chisel while a very effective program has a very sporadic schedule. You could always just mix in a PiYo workout from time to time. Bethany
I just started using the C25K app on my phone, I am only into week 2. It has been a few years since I have really exercised and finding the balance has been difficult. With the C25K app my concern was how I was really going to get the rest of my body into shape as well. I am looking forward to using the PiYo and running workout schedule. Thanks again for the workout schedule.
You’re welcome!
Hi Bethany, I like to run and really want to keep it as part of my weekly workouts. Currently, I am running 3 days a week (10-13 miles), and doing weights 2 days a week. Trying to fit Piyo in to the other 2 days. Can you give a recommendation of how I should do this? Any particular Piyo workouts better than another, or just keep rotating them?
I’m new to Piyo. I have the box set, but haven’t done a lot of the workouts yet. Mostly core and sweat.
Thanks for your advice! :)
Hi Deanna, I would first try to rotate all the PiYo workouts into your running schedule, then after a tomes through you could choose which you would like to keep doing.
Can you create a hybrid with chisel and piyo
chisel and running?
Hi Barbara, I have not been able to do the Hammer & Chisel workouts yet, hopefully I will be cleared for exercise in the next 3 months or so then I would be able to work on a few hybrids.
Hi Bethany , is it possible to do a turbo fire and Piyo hybrid? I’ve done turbo fire 2 times and Piyo once. Piyo alone I need more to it. I found a hybrid online but like you said I don’t want to overlap excercises
Hi Melanie, Maybe in the future, but at this time pretty backed up. It sounds like you have the knowledge to create schedule too. :)
Hi! I was wondering how the PiYO/Body Beast hybrid worked out for you? I’ve been doing Hammer & Chisel but it’s completely burning me out. I want to try something else for a bit but don’t want to lose the strength I’ve been gaining. Thought the PiYO hybrid might be a good choice :)
Hi Dani, You could try that and see how it goes. I love the mixture of the strength training from Body and the flexibility/core work from PiYo.
I would LOVE to see a hybrid of PiYo and Chalene Extreme please!!!
Hi Brenda, As long as you are not working ouy the same muscle groups on back to back days or doing two hardcore cardio workouts in a row you should be okay.
would you follow the 21dfx meal plan with the hybrid of Body Beast and 21 dfx?
Hi Ashley, Yes, you could follow the 21 Day Fix eating plan with the hybrid schedule.
I know you strongly recommend completing a full program before trying a hybrid, however, do you think it would be ok to jump right into Piyo and running? I have never tried Piyo but I have done some running in the past.
Hi Rachel, Yes, I think that would be fine. BEthany
I agree..I would love a PiYo/TurboFire Hybrid too!!!
I would love a PiYo/TurboFire hybrid too please :) :)
Hi Betray,
Do you have an Insanity and Piyo hybrid?
Hi Leona, No I don’t but you could base one off of the T25/PiYo hybrid. Bethany
Hey, I know Cize is new, but I’d love to see a Piyo/Cize hybrid and a Piyo/Rocking Body hybrid.
Thanks for the post!
Hi Missy, Cize is a new one I will have to try before posting a hybrid for. Bethany
Tai Cheng combined with , Piyo , o , 21 Day fix ??? Thank You .
Hi Orlando, Tai Cheng could be done in addition to any of the programs. You really would not need a hybrid. Bethany
Thank you for this information! I just got BBL and already had PiYo!
Would it be possible to make a tribrid? 21 day fix, les mills combat, and piyo?
Hi Aimee, I don’t see why not, just be sure not to work similar body parts or have to high intensity cardio sessions on back to back days. Bethany
That’s just what I was thinking, except I have 21 Day Fix Extreme.
I would lokve to see a hybrid of Pi-yo and Chalean!
Coming! Bethany
HI Bethany!
I am finishing 21 days fix and a frined of mine suggested me to go for a hybrid calendar piyo-running. Would you suggest to make the whole PiYo 6 weeks calendar before going for the hybrid?
Thank you!
Hi Michela, You sound advanced enough to skip right to the hybrid schedule. Bethany
thank you!!!! do you think this would be a good workout or it’s better the full workout?
Hi Michela, I think it is just, different. I can’t really say if one workout schedule is better than the other. Bethany
i am so excited about your hybrid schedules; I get so bored doing the same programs over and over. I see one of my requests is on the “to-do list” (Chalene Extreme), if you have time or if links exist could you create a Piyo and Turbo Jam, Piyo and Slim in 6 (this one gets old fast but good results). Thanks for all your hard work.
Hi Brandi,PiYo and Extreme is coming, I don;t know about the other two. Turbo Jam you could probably work in every other day. Bethany
I am so happy with your hybrid schedules. They really help keep me interested. I am doing the Piyo-21 Day Fix hybrid workout schedule now, but am looking for something to help build more strength. Can you help me create a Piyo- LesMills Pump hybrid schedule? Please and thanks a million!!
That would be a good one! Going to try Les Mills Pump workouts now that I am between workouts. Bethany
A Piyo and Turbo fire or Piyo and Chalean Extreme calendar would be great.
Hi Katy, I’m going to be giving the Chalean Extreme workout a shot sometime soon, so I will work on a hybrid then. Bethany
Hi Bethany – do you have any PiYo and running hybrid plans for longer distances (half marathon maybe?)
Hi Staice, No, I have no training experience with long distance running. I’m hoping someone will come along and help me out that one. Sorry Bethany
How would you alter the 21 day fix one to incorporate 21DFX? I know the only difference is instead of Total Body Cardio there is Plyo Extreme but would that work just to replace TB Cardio with Plyo?
Hi Meagan, The 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts are completely different. I’ll be reviewing the extreme version shortly. Bethany
Could you do a p90 and piyo hybrid calendar please?
Hi Ian, Tha that is a good idea. Bethany
Thanks for posting the body beast hybrid! I just ordered both these workouts and wanted to do them together.
You’re welcome!
I was surprised at how much I like Piyo, and I really appreciate these thoughtful hyrids–especially with Beast and 21 Day Fix. Very cool. Wonder if you’ve thought about how Slim Series could be combined w/Piyo? Thanks.
Hi Chris, You’re welcome! I have not done any of the slim in 6 workouts yet. Once I do, I’ll be sure to update. Thanks Bethany
Hi Bethany! Congratulations for this blog, it’s full of useful advice and recommendations.
Anyway, I was planning on doing BBL, PIYO, T25 with not a defined plan, just being careful with not overtraining muscles.
Please, may you tell me what exercises I should avoid doing in back to back days?
Hi, really you just want to stay away from intensely working the same muscle groups on back to back days.
Great site! Any thought of a Body Beast and running chart? I want to gain strength but at the same time be able to run a 5k.
Body beast all about building muscle mass. Training for a 5k and strength would recommend looking into p90x3.
do u have a piyo/combat hybrid??/
Not yet, but will work on it.
do you have a piyo and turbofire hybrid schedule by chance?
Hi Sue. Not yet, but I will look into it.
Hi Bethany!! Love the website. I was debating ordering PiYo and 21 Day Fix. I love Pilates, but can’t get to class due my work schedule. I haven’t worked out in awhile and want to start slow but still get an effective workout to tone and drop inches and pounds.. Would you recommend PiYo to start? Thanks so much for including the 21 Day fix plans, too! I’ve downloaded them to get started!
Hi Keesha, I would definitely recommend PiYo, since it begins slowly and works you up to working out full speed. Plus, you’ll really like it if you love pilates, and there is always the modifier if you need to make any adjustments. It will help you tone up and lose inches and pounds in no time – good luck! Bethany
This is a great information post. I recently have gained an additional 10lbs, whether menopause, or age ???.
I have Multiple Beach body workouts, and would like to know if there is a p90x3 hybrid with PIYO? ?
I love PIYO, but after 1 month no budge of scale or inches?? : (. I recently signed up for a 10 K, to motivate me even more. I faithfully workout at least 30 minutes, 6 days a week. Help! How can I lose 25lbs.
Hi Vanessa, there is a PiYo/P90X3 hybrid located on Team Beachbody, when you login into your account go to the fitness tab and then go to workout sheets. And, just because the scale has not gone down does not mean you aren’t getting results. I always like taking pictures every few weeks to see changes. BEthany
I just purchased Piyo. I also own BBL and Chalene Extreme. I would love to try a hybrid of Piyo and Chalene Extreme. Do you think it would be a workable plan, and if so could you help me design a hybrid of those two systems?
Hi Edna, I am yet to do Chalene Extreme workouts, but I see no reason why a hybrid of the two would not work. What you really want to look out for is training the same area of the body on back to back days. You would also want to seperate cardio days with a strength training day.
I would also love a chalean extreme – piyo hybrid! I will try to do one myself, but if you ever make one let us know! thanks for your awesome PDF’s!
Hi Shauna, It is on my to-do list! BEthany
I would love to see a piyo and les mills combat hybrid.
I would love to see a hybrid of Les Mills Pump and PiYo. Thanks for your work!
Me too please!
Me too <3 <3 <3
I’m really glad to find this site. I’ve fallen off the workout wagon over the last year and really need to get back on. I did P90X for a couple of years pretty faithfully, but with a new job and the time commitment P90X takes I just couldn’t keep up. I found jogging really enjoyable, but miss the strength portion. I’m hoping that PiYo and running will make a good mix for me. Thanks for sharing your expertise.
You’re welcome! Bethany
This is AWESOME!! I have done 4 rounds of the 21 day fix. I got PiYo for Christmas. I am having a really hard time getting into it because I don’t feel like I’m working my muscles enough. Being able to combine the two has me excited to work out again everyday! Now I know where to go to get another hybrid schedule when I buy another Beach Body workout series. Thanks again!!
Hi Rondi, You’re welcome! As a sidenote the first couple weeks in PiYo the workouts are a bit easy, if you find them two easy, skip to the second month. Bethany
Hi Bethany
I have completed (more or less) piyo a little of t25 and bbl
I’m planning on following the piyo and bbl one, but when i’m finished if move onto another hybrid/program wont I lose my gains in the backside area? or would it be ok? Or can I continue doing bbl with piyo or another one trying not to overtrain my legs and buns?
Thank you!!
Hi Chris, You will be fine, and if you see an area that falls behind then you may need to adjust at some point. But as long as you are not giving up on working out and eating right all together I see no reasons why you would not maintain your gains. Bethany
Hi Bethany
Would 21 day fix and body pump make a good hybrid program? We have both of those programs along with PiYo but wanted to combine the 21 day fix with body pump if it would work ok?
Hi Lisa, I’m not to familiar with Body Pump, but as long as you are not working the same muscle groups on back to back days I think it would be okay. Bethany
Hello Bethany! Greetings from Spain ^^ It’s been a while since I’m following your blog and it had really helped me a lot :)
In these piyo hybrids you have here, I am really interested in the bbl one: should I complete one of the programs before the hybrid or can I start right away with it?
Thank you really :) keep the good work!!
Hi Sara! I would strongly recommend doing at least one of the programs for at least one full month before beginning a hybrid schedule. It will really help you to get familiar with the moves, which is very important when you’re combining two workouts. Otherwise, it will be like starting two new programs, which will easily become overwhelming and won’t be fun – you’ll be a lot less likely to stick with it. Hope this helps! Bethany
Got it ;) Thank you very much for your help! Have a nice day :D
Thank you for your site. I have been agonizing over starting the right program for me. The more I read the more I wanted to change my diet and get my family active, too. I just could not find the right info in the same place…until I found your site.
Thank you!
I’m glad it has helped! Bethany