The 21 Day Fix workout schedule is plain and simple. The calendar is just three weeks long and consists of one 30 minute workout each day.
You might be thinking that working out every day is too much. But, a good alteration of upper body, lower body, cardio, Yoga and Pilates workouts keeps you from overtraining. Plus, the daily workout is meant to create the habit of living a healthy lifestyle for life, not just for three weeks.
When exercise and healthy eating becomes a habit (just like tying your right or left shoe first), you are well on your way to a healthier and more fulfilling life for the long run.
Copy of the 21 Day Fix Workout Calendar – Download Below
Get the 21 Day Fix Workout Calendar Here
I have provided a download link to an excel file for the 21 Day Fix schedule and a printable PDF file.
Click here for the 21 Day Fix Workout Schedule in pdf format
Click here for the 21 Day Fix Workout Schedule excel file
Just a Note About Week 3
As you can see from the calendar above, week three of the 21 Day Fix can be done as a doubles week where you will perform two workouts each day. If doing two workouts, please try to split them between morning and night to keep your metabolism up. They can also be done back-to-back if this is how doing two workouts would fit more easily into your schedule.
Copy of the 21 Day Fix Diet Tally Sheets – Download Below

The 21 Day Fix Diet tally sheets are what you use to track the number of food containers you eat per meal. The ones located at the end of the eating plan book are great, but you only get enough room to track seven days, which is not so useful for a three week program.
One option is to tear the last page out of the meal plan and make colored copies. Another option is to use the editable excel sheet I created to track your portions on the computer, as well as a pdf file without the watermark you can just download and print multiple copies of.
Download Your Own 21 Day Fix Diet Tally Sheets Here
Click here for the 21 Day Fix Tally Sheet in pdf format
Click here for an editable 21 Day Fix Tally Sheet excel file
Paul’s modified sheet that keeps a count of containers used and amount remaining in excel
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Do you use the 21 Day Fix tally sheets or keep track of your eating another way?
This will be a silly question, I know, but has anyone ever done just the workout and not the meal plan??
Yes I did. I maybe skipped a couple days and followed my own clean eating healthy diet and lost 14lbs in 3 weeks! I honestly don’t like their meal plan. That seems a little silly to me.
Hi Bethany, Please help I have lost my diet plan for the 21 day fix I still have my containers but for the life of me I cannot find nor remember how many protions of eack food per day I can have. It has been a couple of years since I did the program with great success but I quit using it and now well…you guessed it but anyway now I cannot find the program can you please help me?? I really don’t want to buy it again. Thanks A Bunch. Christine Lewis.
Hi Christine, Thiis post should help – Bethany
Hi. I started the 21 day fix today and I am so excited. What about alcohol? Also, I am not a huge fruit eater, may I swap it out for extra veggies or perhaps have wine instead of fruit ;).
Hi Deanna, Three times a week you can replace one of your yellow containers for 4 fluid ounces of wine. It is covered on page 38 of the eating plan.
I am inquiring if raw sugar is allowed, if it is in a very small quantity, possibly a tsp or two for an entire day. Is powder coffee creamer allowed, if so what quantity, and does it count as a carb or a fat? Also how is plain soymilk tallied?
Hi Angela, 8 oz unsweetened or 6 oz sweetened Soy milk can be used three times a week to replace a yellow container. The others I;m afraid are not on the food list.
Hi Bethany
I just started the 21 day fix and I plan to do this for a whole year to lose weight but I’m worried that the workouts will become easier to do and I want my workout to be intense what should I do? Also do you think it’s a good idea to used the 21 day fix for a year too lose a significant amount of weight?
Hi Ahmed, You can always move onto a more intense program and stick with the Fix diet. The program can be used for an extended period of time, no problem. Bethany
Hi Bethany, Im trying to get fit so i can join the police force and noticed your plan and all the great comments, I’m starting my road work next week and would like to add that to your plan. Would you be able to send me the excel work sheet and anthing else yu think I might need.
Thank you very much
Wayne McCamley
Hi Wayne, There are links to all the sheets I have on this site to download in the posts. Good luck. Bethany
Hi Bethany,
I am starting the 21 day fix challenge on June 1st. Please send me the excel worksheet and any other info you have that will help me reach my goal.
Thank you so much.
Hi Donna, Links to download the spreadsheets are in the post. Bethany
I know what each color of the containers are for, but does the spoon represent?
Hi Donna, That is the tsp. Bethany
Do you have the 21 day fix meal plan? Or know where I might be able to download it?
Hi Brittany, Yes, I have the meal plan. If you do order the program, you can sign up for the Team Beachbody club membership to see the digital version of eating plan on your computer. Bethany
Thanks I would love to have a copy of this, congratulations, great job
You’re welcome!
Hi, I am wondering if you can add to your Shakeology drink? Fruits etc. Or is 8t best to drink alone while doing 21 day fix challenge?
Hi Tiffany, Yes, just be sure to count that which you add. Search recipes on this site and you will find my 101 ideas. Bethany
I was wondering how do you figure out how much calories should someone intake?
Hi Nina, Multiply your current bodyweight in pounds by 11, that equals your calorie baseline. Add 400 to your calories baseline, that equals your caloric needs. Subtract 750 from your caloric needs and you have your calorie target when following the 21 DF program. If your number is below 1200 you round up to 1200 calories. Bethany
How do I figure out how much of each container I am to use each day
Hi Barb, That is listed in the eating plan on pages 18 & 19. Bethany
Thank you for the helpful links and excel docs. Really appreciate it!
You’re welcome.
Hi Bethany:
I have two questions :
1) I saw a “21 Day Fix EXTREME Essential Pkg with Free Shipping” which costs the same – I see the difference in the workout dvds but does it give you the guidance about eating and stuff etc like it has in “21 Day Fix Essential Pkg ” ?
2) I am vegetarian (no meat/no egg) – so does it have meal plans for vegetarians or vegetarian substitutes instead of meat?
Hi Avi, Yes, I believe the portion control part is the same and the differance is the workouts. And, yes there are other foods for the red protein container that are meatless.
how do you incorporate beverages in this. I know I need to drink water but what if I decide to have a glass of milk or alcohol.
Hi Rose, depends on what it is. Page 38 of the eating plan goes over beverages including alcohol.
I was hoping you could email me the spread sheet. I am a week into the fix, and although I’m still learning. I defiantly want a better way to track my meals/containers.
Thanks, Jennie
Hi Jennie, If you right click the link in the post you should be able to save the sheet right to your computer.
Hi Bethany,
May I please know the sizes of each container?
Thank you
Hi Sarah, the containers do not have the sizes listed in the program. Sorry Bethany
Certain things on the diet plan that I don’t eat what can I do about that
Hi Krissy, Just choose the foods you do like, you do not have to eat everything from each group. Bethany
I am waiting for BBL to arrive but I am doing all the research i can to prepare. Can you explain what “containers” are? I am guessing I use them for measuring but what are the sizes and daily amounts?
Hi Shelley, BBL comes with it’s own diet plan. The 21 Day Fix is a different workout program. -Bethany
I’ just got my 21day fix.I’m reading everything I understand the schedules but the meal planning and measuring I’m finding time consuming. I can hear myself already trying to talk myself out of doing this.
Hi Dottie, that’s funny because I felt the exact smae way. But, after you get used to using everything it becomes second nature. You just need to stick with it for a couple weeks and you will be amazed how much you learn about food and portions with the 21 df. -Bethany
Hi Bethany,
I received my kit, but feeling so discourage. I’m not sure how to plan my meals and feeling overwhelmed . Can you help? I have two kids and feel like my time is limited.
Hi Deanna, Pen and paper is how I plan my meals. I sit down once a week and make a plan for dinners for the following week. During the day I ate pretty much the same foods for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. If you join the email newsletter on this site, I do send out an eating tips guide that people seem to be liking. Bethany
Hi Bethany I tried the 21 day last year and I did it pretty much to the “T”. I did it for two weeks and I didn’t loose weight. I even bought two sets of containers to make it much easier to have the foods ready. My husband told me it looked like I was eating TOO much food. lol. I was NOT exercising, that is the truth. What was I doing wrong???? I want to start again. I tried the Atkins Diet for a week but only lost 4 pounds of “water” weight the first week and then I got tired of it. I want to start the 21 day again. Any suggestions???? I only need to loose 15 pounds but nothing I do seems to work !
Hi Christie, With only 15lbs to lose I’m guessing you are in the 1200 calorie bracket, which is definitely not to much food. Why did you not do the workouts? I would definitely recommend including those if you want to get the best results from the program and follow it for the full 21 days too. Bethany
Please send me the excel sheet at my email
Hi Ami, are the links not working for you? I’ll send the sheets to you. -Bethany
I am waiting for my 21 day fix to come in, and i am trying so hard to educate myself on it beforehand. Ive done T25 and lots of other things and Im really praying this works for me. can you send me that excel sheet too and any other tips you can share. I appreciate it
Hi, I’ve shared everything I know on this site and will continue to add posts as I learn more. Bethany
Hello I would be interested in the excel spreadsheet.
Hi Angie, I just emailed you the sheet. -Bethany
I have an modified excel sheet that keeps a count of items used and amount remaining. Feel free to email me if you want to add it to your site for people to download.
I’m 7 days in and 7lbs down so it’s working for me.
Thanks Paul, I’ll send you an email. Also, nice results! -Bethany
Hello…would be interested in the excel spreadsheet.
Hi Jessica, the link to the 21 df excel diet sheet is near the bottom of the post. Let me know if you have troubles and I can email to you. -Bethany
Hello Bethany,
Could you send the excel spreadsheet to me please? I am not seeing the link on the site.My email is ————–. I would greatly appreciate it.
Jues sent it to you Jan. =Bethany
Thank you Bethany for the website, you have given me hope that I can succeed at this program. Day 1 and I hurt everywhere, I am on a wait and see if I am hungry. The containers are a lot smaller than on what they look like on TV and Website. I also want the thank Paul for the modified excel sheet. The tracking of my portions should help me assess my eating habits and enable me to adjust them accordingly.
Hi Clarissa, the containers do look small but it is amazing how much food you can fit in them, Bethany
Hi Bethany,
Can you please send me the excel meal plan, thanks
Hi Debra, The download links are in the post, please let me know if you have problems with them.
Hi Bethany,
This mom of three would love a copy of the spreadsheet. Thank you!!!
Hi Colleen, The links to download the spreadsheets are in the post above. Bethany
Can you send me the tally sheets ? Thanks
Hi Miranda, The links to download are in the post, below the image. Just right click and save as to get a copy. Bethany
I was wondering if you could email your 21 day fix worksheets. My husband and I are just starting the program and these worksheets will be very helpful. Thank you in advance!
Hi Diane, Are the links in the post not working for you? -Bethany
I would be interested in the excel spreadsheet.that keeps a count of items used and amount remaining. Thanks.
Hi CIndt, the link to download is near the bottom of the site. Bethany
Hi Paul
Could you please send me the excel spreadsheets to me?
I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
Thanks again
Hi Kelly, Paul’s spreedsheets can be downloaded from the third link below the – Download Your Own 21 Day Fix Diet Tally Sheets Here header. -Bethany
Would not let me open the file. The shopping list and the spread sheet above Paul’s let me open it and send it to my other email so I could print. I have just begun this life change the work outs are making me feel good but I am having trouble getting all the food prepped ahead.
Hi Dawn, It is working fine for me in every browser that I tried, maybe try another web browser. Bethany
Would love the excel sheet
Hi Ann, the download link in the post is working for me. Let me know if you are still having problems and I can email -Bethany
just got my containers and hoping to start next week.
Planning out my meals.
good luck!
I would like a copy of your tally sheet
Hi Christina, There is a link on the post to download the spreadsheet that Paul made. Bethany
in need all the help I can get
Hi can you send me the modified excell sheet. I am just starting the program now.. thanks
Hi Ellen, The download link has been added to the post. Bethany
Hi! I would like a copy of the spreadsheet please. I’m just starting off and this will be my 2nd go around but I’m not organized enough so this spreadsheet would be perfect for me. Thank you so much!
Hi Tina, All links to download are in the post. Bethany
I would love a copy of the spread sheet please and thank you!!
Hi Edith, The link to download is in the post. Bethany
I would love to have a copy of the spreadsheet also. Thanks so much.
Paul’s spreadsheet is linked to in the post.
Would like to have a copy of the modified spreadsheet
Hi Heather, It is linked to in the blog post. Bethany
I would love it emailed to me please
Ty Fran
Hi Fran, It is in the post, just right click save link as to download. Bethany
Please send spreadsheet
Thank you
Hi, The link to spreadsheet that Paul made is in the post, you can download it there by right mouse click save-as.
Please send me the excel please
Hi Diane, The link to the version Paul created can be downloaded in the post.