How Much Weight Can You Really Lose in A Week?

I’ve helped thousands of people reach their weight loss goals over the last ten years. And one of the first things we always go over during our initial consultation is how much weight you can really lose in a week.

This first call/email/text also includes the following:

  • How much weight you want to lose
  • If you have a weight loss timeline you need to meet (wedding in 3 weeks, anyone?)
  • What your current goals are. These can include losing fat, building lean muscle, gaining strength, gaining flexibility, less stress, etc.

Everyone Wants to Lose Weight Fast

The truth is that everyone wants to lose weight the fastest and easiest way possible.

They look at fad diets, eliminate food groups, restrict foods they love, take diet pills, work out excessively, or reduce calories to an unhealthy amount. All the things you don’t need to do to lose weight. And also things that can prevent you from losing weight.

While these are all ways you can lose weight fast, they’re just not sustainable. Slow and steady will always be the best way to lose weight. That’s why sticking to the less than 2lbs per week will put on your path to weight loss you will finally be able to keep off.

Find out how weight loss works.

The Science Behind Weight Loss

We always want your weight loss goals to be realistic and attainable. And more importantly, we want healthy, sustainable weight loss you will keep off for good.

Because it’s not always about achieving your ideal weight. It’s about achieving a weight that’s enjoyable for you to achieve and maintain.

In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. That’s it. There’s no other magic way.

This means you need to either work out more, eat less calories, or a healthy combination of the two. And while there are definitely some health supplements that can make losing weight even easier, the basic science is all about creating that calorie deficit.

Why You Need to be Realistic About Quick Weight Loss

Most people set unrealistic weight loss goals. They want to lose those last 10lbs in the next week or a significant amount of weight in two months.

Then they wonder why they always struggle and can’t seem to meet their weight loss goals.

Eventually they quit after a few weeks in, because they think they should’ve lost a lot more than they’re currently losing.

Worth mentioning is that it is possible to lose 5lbs or more in a single week or even in your first few weeks of starting a new weight loss routine. I’ve seen it happen multiple times. However, there are a lot of factors at play.

10 Factors That Determine How Much Weight Someone Can Lose in a Week

Here are some factors that determine how quickly you can lose extra weight:

  • How much weight you have to lose overall: People who have higher BMIs and more weight to lose overall will find it much easier to lose 5+lbs their first week(s). Someone who has only 10lbs to lose is much less likely to lose that amount of weight in a single week.
  • Your gender: Sorry, ladies, but due to the some of the same hormones that make our bodies able to do amazing things, men tend to lose weight more easily than women.
  • Your age: As you get older, you typically need less calories to maintain your weight.
  • Hormones: Depending what part of your cycle you’re in, losing weight fast can be a lot harder. Thyroid issues can also affect weight loss, as well as peri-menopause and menopause.
  • What your current lifestyle looks like vs. what you’re doing now: If you’re not doing much for activity, eating way more calories than you naturally burn, eating junk food all day every day before you begin a new routine, and/or not drinking enough water, you are more likely to shed a lot of weight during your first few weeks.
  • How much water you’re drinking: Drinking lots of water isn’t just healthy, it can help you lose weight. Water helps you stay hydrated, feel fuller longer and flushes your system of toxins and fluid build-up. A lot of time when people drop a lot of weight during their first week, it’s mostly water weight.
  • How many calories you’re currently consuming: If your new weight loss routine includes a steep deficit in calories than what you’ve been taking in, you will typically lose more weight in your first week.
  • How much you’re working out: If you’ve been sedentary and now you’re suddenly working out for 30-60minutes a day, you’re going to burn more calories, which will help contribute to more weight loss.
  • Stress levels: If you’re really stressed out, you aren’t going to lose weight fast. Try meditating before bedtime, journaling, yoga or even just getting outside and going for a long walk to help. Or talk to a therapist if you need to. Being stressed raises cortisol levels, which basically tells your body to hold onto fat.
  • Sleep: If you’re getting the right amount of sleep each night (aim for at least 7hrs), you’ll be more likely to lose weight faster. Not getting enough sleep can lead to weight retention, because it throws your whole system off.

A Healthy Amount of Weightloss is Key

Your weekly target weekly weight loss goal should always be 1-2lbs per week for healthy, sustainable weight loss.

I know it might be disappointing for some to hear. I know it may seem like it’s going to take forever. But less than 2lbs of weight lost each week is ideal. It’ll also be more enjoyable for you to accomplish. Remember that the time will pass anyway.

Losing 1-2 lbs of weight loss per week means you’re targeting fat, which is what you want. Anything more than that, and you compromise more.

The Dangers of Losing Weight Too Quickly

Losing weight too fast can set you up for lots of unpleasant side effects. These include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, constipation, and hair loss. You’re also compromising the lean muscle mass you’re trying to build.

It means you’re losing more than just fat like water (which our bodies need!) or even muscle (which you’re trying to build!)

This is why when you first start a weight loss program, it’s easier to lose more than 2lbs your first week, then have the weight loss slow down. That’s your body adjusting to your new routine: working out, reducing calorie intake, drinking more water, and consuming healthier foods.

Why the Number On the Scale Doesn’t Matter on Day-to-Day Basis

Body weight fluctuates day to day. If you’ve never tried weighing yourself daily, give it a try. You’ll be amazed at how it can change daily, especially around certain times of your cycle.

I know for me, I can step on the scale in the morning then weigh myself again before bedtime, and there is a 4lb difference! This can even happen if I eat something salty before bed then weigh again in the morning.

Plus, it’s normal to gain up to 8lbs of weight near your period. Weight gain can also be affected by how much water you drink or even what you ate the night before.

Here’s a post to help you learn more about normal body weight fluctuations.

This is also why the scale is NOT the best indicator of progress, and the reason why you need to stop relying on it. In fact, I often tell people obsessed with numbers on the scale to ditch the scale for a while and go by other things.

Because sometimes when you track your measurements with an inexpensive measuring tape like mine to the right that are available in a variety of fun colors! and also look at your before pictures next to a current photo, you see how much progress you’re actually making whether you’re losing weight or not.

You fit into your clothes better, you feel better, you gain endurance. This all helps your confidence go through the roof.

And these are all also things that are way more important than the number on the scale will ever be.

Nutrition and Exercise Strategies for Long Term Weight Loss Success

Losing weight isn’t easy. It never is.

And part of that is because your eating habits most likely need improvement. And guess what’s the hardest thing for people to change? Their diet.

That’s why in addition to my favorite two nutrition programs I love to suggest for new clients that are a breeze to follow and allow you your favorite foods and some guilt-free treats to keep your sanity, I am now also offering customized meal plans to help you on your way with food you’re going to love!

I also like to share a variety of my favorite healthy recipes on my blog and in my private social media group.

So if you need help with your health and fitness journey, talk to me! I am here to help you feel amazing again and confident in your own skin.

Right now, I am still offering 10% off my proven total solution packs to help you on your way, as well as customized meal plans and workout plans to reach your goals. Cost varies and will depend on on your package level.

Reach out for more details by either commenting below with your email or send an email to [email protected]. I personally check and respond to all of my emails.

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4 thoughts on “How Much Weight Can You Really Lose in A Week?”

  1. I love your article… I would like to hear more about your program and cost before making any commitment. Thank you kindly.


    1. Thanks for the comment. We have to remember that losing weight is a personal journey and will depend on a lot of factors, including starting weight, how much weight you have to lose, metabolism, and a whole lot more. While short-term goals are good to have, focusing on trying to lose 10 lbs in a week is not the most realistic for everyone, and it would sometimes be better to focus on what you can do to improve your general health with proper nutrition, exercise, and self-esteem. Losing 1-2 pounds is considered the safe and effective amount for sustainable weight loss. Remember, weight loss is not a race, and focusing on a healthy you for long-term success. Bethany

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