What is a thigh gap? It’s when there is a clear space between your upper/ middle thigh area when you are standing with your feet together. It’s something women have highly valued for decades, so I wanted to help clarify a little bit about it, since it’s become a controversial topic in recent years.
The Thigh Gap: Myth vs Reality
MYTH: Anyone can have a thigh gap the size of a supermodel’s
REALITY: The appearance and width of a thigh gap depends on your body – know what’s realistic for you…not for somebody else’s. It really depends on your genetics and body’s natural structure – we are not all formed from the same mold. Some of the most athletic women in the world with very little body fat have no thigh gap – would you say their bodies aren’t beautiful? I don’t think so.
Don’t skip meals, starve yourself, or work out frantically to get that elusive thigh gap. Instead, exercise in moderation (Brazil Butt Lift is a great workout to trim down those thighs in a healthy manner) and eat a reduced calorie, whole foods diet.
MYTH: You have to be underweight to have a thigh gap
REALITY: You can be a healthy weight, even slightly overweight, and have a thigh gap.
This is where I get a little frustrated with online journalists and others who claim only adolescent girls and anorexic women can ever have a thigh gap. Healthy women of all ages can have a thigh gap. Quite often, the lack of a thigh gap can easily address through a healthy diet and exercise program, because it’s just an extra layer of fat.
But you must remember that your body’s natural structure will determine whether you will ever have a thigh gap or not and whether or not your thigh gap will be larger or minimal. Some women are heavier up top with very small thighs, so even though you have a belly, they still have a thigh gap due to their naturally slender legs. Bow legs will also leave you with more a chance for a thigh gap. And if you have naturally wider-set hips, you will also find it easier to achieve a thigh gap without having to lose a lot of fat. If you’re very straight and narrow in the hip area, you may never see a thigh gap, but who cares?! You are you, and that’s all that matters!
MYTH: You can spot reduce your inner thigh area
REALITY: You cannot spot reduce any area of your body.
The truth is that you will lose fat at the same rate from all over your body. This is why your quest for a thigh gap should be a long-term not a short term fix, because to lose fat from the area you’d like to lose it from the most often takes the longest time. This is because the area you’d like to lose it from the most is often where you hold the most fat. Losing all your unwanted fat is a journey, not an overnight quick fix.
MYTH: You need to avoid lunges, squats and other exercises that bulk your legs.
REALITY: Doing the right squats, lunges, and other exercises will help streamline your legs if done in high repetition with lower weight.
It’s when you use heavy weights in low reps that you tend to build more muscle. The trick is to tone your muscles without building too much.
Widening the Gap – Getting Your Best Possible Legs
Now that I’ve gone over the myths and realities of thigh gaps, I wanted to tell you that although it may not be possible to ever see an inch between those thighs, it is possible to slim down your thighs and widen the gap if even if ever-so-slightly. Whether that means actually seeing space between your legs or having less of your thighs touching, the following exercises are sure to help get you the best thighs of your life:
Plié Squats 
Step 1: Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart with your hands on your hips, feet turned out.
Step 2: With your core tightened and back straight, squat down into the deepest possible squat you can achieve lifting arms out to the side.
Tip: Make sure to keep watch that your knees are always in line with your toes. The goal is to get your thighs as close to parallel with the floor as possible.
Step 3: Return to your starting position, keeping your core tight, your butt tucked, and your inner thighs activated.
Do 3 sets of 15
Tip: Add weight when your body weight becomes too easy
Kneeling Leg Lift w/ Crossover (weighted or unweighted) 
Step 1: Kneel on all fours with your knees under your hips and your arms folded with elbows below the shoulders. Pull your core tight while you draw your shoulder blades back and lengthen your spine.
Reach your right arm out to the side using your fingers as support. Keeping your knee bent, lift your left leg behind you with your foot flexed, keeping your thigh in line with your back.
Step 2: Cross your left knee back behind your right knee, then press the bottom of your foot up towards the ceiling again as your squeeze your glutes.
Step 3: Slowly bring your knee back up to your starting position, and then to your chest.
Step 4: Lift your leg back to starting position.
Do 15-20 reps on each side
Tip: Use ankle weights when the exercises become too easy.
Lying Down Inner Leg Lifts 
Step 1: Lie down on your side, bending your top leg out comfortably in front of you.
Step 2: Keeping your core tight and your bottom leg straight, slowly lift your bottom leg as high as it will comfortably go.
Tip: Keep your leg turned outward from the hip to really target your inner thigh as you lift.
Step 3: Return to starting position.
Do 15 reps, and then hold your leg up and do mini pulses for another 15 reps. A mini pulse is when you keep your leg up, but really push to go higher by at least an inch.
Do 3 sets on each side
Tip: Use ankle weights when this exercise becomes too easy without them.
Lying Down Side Leg Raises
Step 1: Lie down on your side
Step 2: Slowly lift your top leg up, turning your leg in from the hip in as much as comfortably possible to really target your outer thigh.
Step 3: Return to starting position.
Do 3 sets of 15 reps on each side
Tip: Use ankle weights when the exercise becomes too easy.
Side-to-Side Sumo Squats
Step 1: Stand in a slight plié squat position, bending your knees and making sure to keep your knees in line with your toes.
Step 2: Hop to the right bending into a deeper plié squat. Hold for 2 seconds.
Step 3: Hop to the left to go into a deep plié squat to repeat.
Do 3 sets of 15 reps – one rep equals one on each side
Tip: Do this exercise faster to burn more calories. Use weight when it becomes too easy.
Single Leg Circles
Step 1: Lie on your back with your arms by your side and legs straight, reaching out through your toes towards.
Lift your left leg up to a 90° angle with your foot pointed and reaching to the sky and your leg turned out slightly from the hip.
Step 2: Keeping your core tight and hips down, trace the ceiling with your left foot slowly, working against your body’s own resistance to make it more challenging.
Circle 5 times clockwise, and then 5 times counterclockwise. Switch legs and repeat the exercise 5 times on each leg
Bulgarian Split Squat
Step 1: Put one leg up on the edge of couch or a chair with your supporting leg not locked out straight. Keep hands on hip and core tight.
Step 2: Slowly bend your supporting leg into a squat, making sure to keep your core tight, shoulders back and your knee over your toes but not passing over them.
Step 3: Return to starting position
Do 3 sets of 15 reps
Tip: Add weight when you feel like your body weight is too easy. If you feel like your knee is overpassing your toes, step out further from the chair for your starting position
Squat Arabesque
Step 1: Stand with feet hip-width apart, core tight, shoulders dropped, and chest lifted.
Bend you knees into a squat, sitting back into your heels and sticking out your butt without arching your back.
Step 2: Keeping your knees behind your toes, straighten your legs as you lift your left leg back behind you, squeezing your left butt check and reaching your arms to the front. Your supporting leg should be just shy of straight when in full extension.
Step 3: Lower your leg and arms together and repeat the squat and arabesque on your right side.
Continue to the other side to equal one rep.
Do 10-20 reps
Get Your Cardio On to Get Rid of Your Thigh Gap
Remember these exercises will only streamline your thighs when combined with at least 30-minutes of cardiovascular activity five times a week and healthy, reduced calorie diet to help burn unwanted fat. Once you get rid of most of the fat from your thighs, you should know if you are able to have a thigh gap or not.
Brazil Butt Lift for the Perfect Thighs
While these exercises will help in addition to any other program you might be doing, Brazil Butt Lift is a great at-home workout program specifically designed to target your thighs and get you the slendered look of a supermodel without any starvation and overexertion. It is filled with thigh-targeted moves designed to tone, lift, and shape your body.
Stress Less Over Having One
All in all, whether or not you end up with a thigh gap should not be something to obsess over. Really, guys don’t care – we do more than them. Just aim for getting in the best shape possible and being the healthiest you ever.
And always remember that a thigh gap has never been and never will be a determining factor of true beauty.
I’m loving your site which someone posted in the comments of the portion control containers. It’s so great!! I gained weight due to a medication and have not been able to get it off (15 pounds). I had a thigh gap until then, and it is just one of the things that bothers me about the gain, mostly because I’m not used to it. Thank you so much for posting these exercises. :)
You’re welcome.
I have space between my thighs and I get picked on because of it. How can I possibly get rid of it. It feels weird knowing your the only person with that has that space and I just feel really insecure about it. So what I am asking is how can I make my thigh gap disappear?
Hi Raychael! Don’t ever feel bad about your body with the shape you were born with. Do you know how many women would LOVE to have space between their thighs?! And just so you know, you are not the only person with that space – there are plenty of ladies out there who have it.
If people are picking on you because of this, #1, you shouldn’t be hanging around them, because they’re not nice people. And #2, they’re jealous or insecure with their own bodies.
My advice would just to be as healthy as you can be. Don’t obsess over the little things that don’t really matter.
@Raychael sweety don’t feel bad about it. I also have one people alwayz make nasty comments about my bullet hole. But my boyfriend is so crazy about it.
so dam lucky ;/ i get called fat for not having one
Hi!!, i really really want to know what can i eat more and what can i eat less, everyday i do many things, i´m not overweight, but i think i have a little problem “i’m obsessed with my weight”, but i have big legs, because i do too much excercise but i really want a thigh gap, i´ve got a little but i want more, please can you help me?
Hi Rita, how much of a thigh gap you get depends on your natural shape – some women athletes don’t have a thigh gap at all, so it’s nothing to become obsessed about. You’re lucky you even have one. I never get beyond a 1/2″ thigh gap no matter how fit I am, but do I let it bother me? Absolutely not! I know I’m in good shape, my legs are toned, and I feel good about myself. Just eat healthy, exercise for 1/2 hour 5 days each week, incoporate some weightlifting and cardio into your routine, and be healthy – not worrying about getting a bigger thigh gap.
Love your body for what it is. If you have larger legs, it’s not from working out – it’s your natural shape. You really need to take a look at your body’s structure and be realistic. I will never have an hourglass figure, but I don’t care. I love what God gave me. It’s not perfect, but I’m perfect for me. Be perfect for you you, not a supermodel who is airbrushed, 5’10” tall and weighs 115lbs…not realistic!
Don’t kill your self-esteem by beating yourself up for things that you can’t possibly physically obtain. Instead, love your body for what you have, play up your best features, and don’t worry about things you have no control over. And if you feel your obsession is unhealthy, please see your doctor – they will be able to help you get the right mindset. Good luck! Bethany
Hello , I’m an athlete and I’m underweight , and I don’t have a thigh gap.. I used to have a thigh gap , is their any specific foods I can’t eat? cause I love chips but I don’t eat them often maybe twice a month. So could you help me out??
And also , I can’t go on a diet not , because I’m in Colorguard in my school , and this isn’t a good time to go on a diet , but I’m just want to know what foods I can’t eat , thank you
For a well rounded diet, try to stick to fruits, vegetables, lean protein meats, healthy complex carbs, and healthy fats. Try to avoid fried foods, overly processed foods, added sugars, and white flour.
Hi Lincy, I don’t think the foods that you eat are not going to make any sort of difference per the thigh gap. Chips in moderation or making your own homemade is great. Bethany