Shift Shop Meal Plan Examples with 3 Week Menu Included

Shift Shop Meal Plan A Week 1 Example

Do you know how I know you’re going to get great results from the Shift Shop workout program?

Because you are here now reading about the Shift Shop meal plan. And nutrition is just as, if not more important than the workouts themselves. :)

After all, food is your body’s fuel, and this nutritional approach is definitely going to challenge your willpower!

The nutrition guide from the Shift Shop workout program is called the Simple Shift. Just like how the workouts evolve from one week to another by increasing the time and difficulty, the Simple Shift nutrition program also makes a change each week, which we will cover in the 3 sample Shift Shop meal plans below.

In this post, we are going to cover 5 key areas:

  • The philosophy behind the diet approach
  • Sample meal plans for each week
  • Tips to getting best results
  • Designing your own Shift Shop meal plan

Week-by-Week Simple Shift Diet Changes

When I first heard about how the Shift Shop nutritional program had you decreasing carbs and increasing protein, I assumed this to be some sort of carb cycling diet, but it’s not. It is also not a ketogenic diet either. Keto is less than 10% carbs, 20-30% protein, and 60-75% fat.

What type of diet is the Simple Shift then? It is designed to maximize your performance and results in just 3 weeks by lowering crabs and increasing protein.

Here it is:

  • Week one is all about getting your diet balanced and cutting out the junk.  This week carbs will make up about 40% of your daily diet.
  • Week 2, you make you second shift to lowering your starchy carb consumption by 1-2 servings and increasing protein.
  • By the third week of the program, you’re eliminating starchy carbs and legumes.  Again with an increase in proteins, veggies and tsps, you are still eating a relatively balanced diet made up of about 30% carbohydrates.

If I had to name a diet the Simple Shift nutrition program is close to in the third week, it would be the paleo diet. And by no surprise, the paleo philosophy of eating is one of the most often used diet by physique-oriented.

All meal plans are based on Shift Shop PLAN A. I also included instructions after each to be able to adapt the sample meal plan weeks for different category levels.

Shift Shop Meal Plan Week 1

Shift Shop Meal Plan A Week 1 Example

Week 1 is all about getting your nutrition on track with a balanced ratio of macronutrients from lean proteins, healthy fats, and a balance of complex carbs as well as fruit and veggie carbs.  You eat clean this week – no cheat meals!

Shift Shop Meal Plan Week 2

Shift Shop sample meal plan a for week 2.

In week 2 of the Simple Shift eating plan, you will make a shift in the eating plan. This week you begin lowering the amount of starchy carbs. And, at the same time you increase the amount of protein, veggies and healthy fats you take in.

Shift Shop Meal Plan Week 3

Shift Shop sample meal plan a for week 3 of the program - no starchy carbs.

If you made it this far, you are in for a challenge. You eliminate starchy carbs completely this week.  Under normal circumstances, this can be hard… nevermind the increase in the Shift Shop workout intensity!

Luckily there is another increase in lean proteins, veggies, and healthy fats to keep you filled up. What you have to remember is that it’s not supposed to be easy. The Shift Shop diet and the workouts are meant to push you, because that is what is going to change you.

Download Links to the Shift Shop Sample Meal Plans

Each excel file contains 3 weeks. 1 week per sheet that you can change from the tab selection at the bottom of the sheet.

Download link to the 3 Week Sample Meal Plan for Shift Shop

If you are in a higher calorie bracket a simple way to adjust these meal plans is to simply eat more servings to hit your level. This is we usually we do it, as I’m in the lowest level and the man in the house is always at the highest level.

Make your Own Meal Plan Template for Shift Shop

Hopefully this post has given you some good ideas of how to create a meal plan for the week for Shift Shop. I know you’re probably not going to like all of the foods or how I designed the sample, so I wanted to also provide you with blank templates that you can use below to design your own plan. :)

Download link to blank Shift Shop Meal Plan Template

There is no special secret when it comes to the effectiveness of the Shift Shop nutrition plan. You give your body the healthy foods it needs to perform at its highest level. This is what will change your body composition to that of an athlete.

Many of the meals in our sample meal plans are available in the 81 Approved Shift Shop Recipes pdf.

4 Extra Credit Tips for Getting the Best Results

Here are a few more ideas to get through the Shift Shop nutritional program to get you the best results possible.

  1. Just like in the workouts – try before you modify! Remember the saying for this diet is “food is fuel.” If you want to get the best results, try your hardest to stick with it.
  2. During the first two weeks of the program, eat your starchy carbs the first meal after your workout.  This may help the body use glucose to store as glycogen in your muscles.
  3. Shift Shop is unlimited veggies. The numbers in the nutritional program are a minimum amount. Keeping some pre-chopped veggies in the fridge can keep you on track if hunger pangs set in.
  4. Every 2-3 days, take a 1/2 hour of your time to meal plan. If you’re tight on time (aren’t we all?) consider meal prepping what you can.

Questions? Experience with the Shift Shop Simple Shift nutrition program, please leave a comment below.

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2 thoughts on “Shift Shop Meal Plan Examples with 3 Week Menu Included”

  1. Hi Bethany,
    Prior to recent knee surgery, I was a very mobile person, I feel as if I need to get started on something to assist with weight lost as well as core strength. I have done insanity in the past., but feel as if my body really can not take the rigorous workout like that right now. Is Piyo something you I could do post surgery and increase good workout behaviors as well as loose weight with at this time.

    1. Hi Becky, You would of course want to get cleared by your doctor first before beginning but PiYo is a really good functional program. While it is low-impact it’s also pretty intense. There is a lot of core work which can help with overall pasture and a combination of stretching/strength moves.

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