The 21 Day Fix’s 3 Day Quick Fix is designed to get you bikini and/or photo shoot ready in just three days, but what exactly is it?, does it really work?, is it for everyone?, and are there any tips to maximize results?
That’s what I’m going to share with you in this review post.

What is the 21 Day Fix’s 3 Day Quick Fix?
The 3 Day Quick Fix is the same eating plan Autumn uses to get ready for her bikini competitions and photo shoots. It’s a high protein, low-carb, and low-fat diet designed to reveal your sleek sexy 21 Day Fix program results.
I figured since I was doing the 21 Day Fix to the best of my ability, then fitting the 3 Day Quick Fix in the final three day of the program was mandatory for a full program experience.
3 Day Quick Fix Allowed Foods
I’m not going to make this sound any better than it is – the allowed foods list is small, but you have to remind yourself it is only for three days to get yourself ready for your after photos. Limiting yourself to these foods is going to create an amazing difference to your body, so it makes how mundane the foods list is worth it.
What you CAN eat:
Steamed Vegetables
Lean White Proteins
Steel-Cut Oatmeal | Steamed Yams
Limes, Lemons, Spices
What you CANNOT eat:
No Shakeology?…what do you mean, no Shakeology?!!! All kidding aside, this is the one thing I missed most while following the 3 Day Quick Fix – and fruit!
You also are not allowed carbs after noon, which was doable, as was eating no fruit for three days. Of course, the no carbs after noontime does take its toll on feeling less energy than usual, so make sure to get your workouts in earlier.
You get six meals, spaced 2.5 hours apart. The first two meals include carbs, the last four meals are protein and veggies with coconut oil mixed in with three of them.
My 3 Day Quick Fix Shopping List
You might look at the 3 Day Quick Fix meal plan and think, is that really all? At least, that’s what I was thinking when I first looked at it. That’s one great thing about the Quick Fix diet it’s simple – there’s not a whole lot of shopping that needs to be done or choices to be made.
If you start adding in foods or subtracting out foods, you are not following the 3 Day Quick Fix diet. You either choose to follow the diet or not – it’s entirely up to you.
Here’s a list of what you’ll need:
- steel-cut oatmeal
- 2 yams
- 24 egg whites
- 1.5 lbs chicken breast
- 1.5 lbs wild caught cod loins or other white fish
- .75 lbs extra-lean ground turkey
- extra-virgin coconut oil
- broccoli, asparagus, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers
- 3 gallons of water
The above list is for women. Men would need a bit more food, which is explained in the guide.
Optional foods:
- lemons and limes
- vinegars
- no-salt spices
- nutmeg
- cinnamon
- stevia
- coffee and/or teas
Click here to download a copy of my 3 Day Quick Fix Grocery Shopping List Google Doc. Click File > Make a copy…to enable editing.
It would also be easy to grocery shop, and then meal prep for the 3 days if you chose to do so, although preparing eggs ahead of time seems a little gross…at least to me.
What is the Deal With All the Coconut Oil?!
If you’re familiar with Autumn’s programs, then you know she likes to include coconut oil…a lot. And the same holds true for the 3-Day Fix diet, which has you eating lots of protein and veggies with a little bit of fat thrown in there every day: prepare yourself for 1 tsp of coconut oil with 4 out of 6 meals to be exact.
Why coconut oil? Because coconut oil is a little different than other oils. The body does not break down coconut oil into fatty acids; instead, it breaks down into medium-chain fatty acids that go straight to the liver. It then acts more like a carb in the human body by providing immediate energy, but you also get the healthy fat your body needs to maintain optimal functioning.
What type of coconut oil? Through my research. coconuts do not get a heavy amount of pesticides. They hang high in trees and pesticides that are used in soil are said not to reach the flesh of the coconut. So, USDA certified organic is not something of to much concern. But, I would advise choosing either a virgin or extra-virgin coconut oil. Virgin or extra virgin oils are first processed oil which means you get the most nutritional value from these over more refined processed versions.
Does the 3 Day Quick Fix work?
I wish I’d taken a photo before and after the 3 Day Quick Fix to visually show you the result difference it made in three days, but in short, yes, it does work, and it does make a noticeable difference. If you’re trying to look your best in the three week program, then you will definitely do not want to skip out on this. It is mostly water weight, but it does make an immediate difference.
I did feel like it zapped me of a lot of my energy, but I did choose to do it my last three days of the program. Doing double workouts each day along the Quick Fix might have been a little too much for me personally.
I also tend to get a low blood sugar feeling if I go too long without eating, and eating carbs all early in the day definitely affected my workouts as I usually workout in the evening. In hindsight, I should have tried to sneak the workouts into my morning routine.
When to Follow the 3 Day Quick Fix
The small booklet tells you to follow the 3 Day Quick Fix the last three days of the program to get you bikini (and photo shoot!) ready. It also gives you a variety of other of occasions when you may choose to follow the plan. It definitely comes down to when you want to look your best and get leaned out, or even to get your eating habits back on track.
At the end of the program on Day 19 is when I chose to follow the diet. I was following the plan exactly and wanted my after photos to look the best possible. I also think you might benefit from following the Quick Fix on your first three days. This way when you start following the regular portion control 21 Day Fix diet plan, it feels more flexible and easier to manager.
Please note that the 3 Day Quick Fix is only to be followed for the three days and is not intended to replace a healthy, well-rounded diet. It is not a sustainable diet, and you should not do it more than once during the three-week program.
If you are following multiple rounds of the 21 Day Fix and not necessarily working towards a day in a bikini competition or photo shoot, I would not say the 3 Day Quick Fix is necessary to having long-term success with the program.
If you have done the 3 Day Quick Fix and have any tips or would like to share your experience, please leave a comment below.
Yams and sweet potatoes are not the same thing. Nutritionally, both sweet potatoes and yams are low in calories, fat-free and high in carbs. A 1/2-cup serving of baked sweet potato has 90 calories, 20 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fiber. The same serving of yams has 80 calories, 19 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fiber. Yams are from the lily family, and sweet potatoes are from the morning glory family. Yams are sweeter and much larger, but not as nutritious as sweet potatoes. Yams have white flesh and dark, more bark-like skin than the yellow/orange sweet potato with its softer, easier-to-peel skin.
Thanks for sharing. Really hard to find yams in my area,
Question for you Bethany. Why would you steam the veggies and eat the coconut oil separately? Why not roast the veggies in the oil? it tastes SOOOO much better!
Hi Maria, That is just the way the program tells you to do it. Personally, I like my veggies dry(no dressing), but everyone tells me I’m a weirdo.
Why wouldn’t you include before and after photos with all your analysis? I would really like to see day 1, day 19 and day 21. So i guess i’ll do it 😏
HI Julia, I didn’t think of doing a day 19 photo since the program just has you doing before and after. I have my day 1 and day 21 photos on my review and results post linked in the sidebar.
I absolutely cannot do oatmeal. What can I substitute in it’s place?
Yams are the only other yellow carb container so maybe double up on that.
Hello! Where do I find the actual 3 day meal plan? I am going to be doing this next week! Thank you!
Hi Vanessa, The 3 day meal plan comes with the 21 Day Fix program materials, it is just a few pages long. You can also find the digital pdf version on Beachbody On Demand under the 21 Day Fix workout “Program Material” tab and then select “Nutrition” drop down menu. Hope that helps.
How many calories in red and yellow containers? Can all beans be counted as protein for vegans?
Hi Samantha, The exact amount of calories depends upon the food, I would say they estimate out to between and 200 calories. Beans are counted as red containers for vegans. Bethany
How did you cook the oatmeal?
HI Jennifer, I microwaved it with water. Nothing fancy. Bethany
On the 3 day quick fix, it states 6 meals…do you eat 6 meals a day for 3 days ?
Hi Lynn, Yes, 3 small meals a day. Bethany
Hi Bethany,
Thank you for your thorough analysis of the 3 day fix. I’m having a really hard time with how bland everything tastes — even with spices/lemon and I’m really getting sick of broccoli. I’ve scoured the internet in an attempt to find out if I could use onions & tomatoes as a vegetable for one of the meals & still be in relative compliance with the 3 day fix. Thank you! Tiffany.
Hi Tiffany, You’re welcome! Onions would probably be something you don’t want to do as they can cause bloating and aren’t the best absorbed food. Tomatoes are a nightshade, which might cause inflammation in some people, but I don’t think they would be problem. Bethany
hello! i want to do the 3 days quick fix but I am wondering if I should eat the oatmeal as breakfast everyday or no? Thank you
Yes, steel cut oatmeal is recommended for breakfast everyday. Bethany
I’m vegan so problem!!
just discover a week ago.
so I want do 3 days fix.
I’m too full but force eat food any way
so I have porridge with protein scoop n lot fresh fruit. is it ok? as I don’t eat eggs .
I have sweet potato so I need cut them n measure them to be 1 cup perfect?
then what kind of protein alternative for it ? no fish no egg no chicken ! so sweet potato cook with 1tsp coconut oil n red such as cheese?
then evening will be omellete veggie 2 eggs n 1tsp coconut oil .
Hi Nee, Fruit is not something that is recommended on the 3 day quick fix so I would replace the fruit with veggies. You will want to cut and cube the sweet potato to be accurate. For the proteins I would avoid beans too so you could do tempeh, quinoa, or edamame for example. I have a full blog post about following the 21 Day Fix as a vegan here that you might also find helpful – Honeslty it is going to be pretty hard to follow this plan as a vegan and there is no real reason you need to, so it might be better just to stick with the eating plan. Bethany
Hi! Are you able to have sparkling water on this plan?
Hi Lindsay, It just says water in the book, but sparkling water is basically just added carbonation. So as long as there is no added sugars or unnatural flavorings in the ingredients I don’t see why not. Bethany
Hi Bethany!! First thanks for all of your help to everyone on this! I’m planning on doing this Friday. I doubt I can but do you know if I’m able to have almond milk in my coffe on the 3 day? I know you can on the 21 day but doubt it’s allowed with this. Also, I don’t eat fish so was going to substitute chicken or turkey for it. And lastly is there anything I can put in place of the egg whites? Thank you!
Hi Jamie, I would avoid the almond milk for the 3 days. For replacing the egg whites, I suppose you could do more chicken or turkey. Bethany
Great! Thank you! 😊
Hi Bethany!
I’m doing the 3 day quick fix starting tomorrow and was wondering, in your opinion, if you think grilling the fish is okay instead of steaming? I don’t have a food steamer so what I did with the first batch was grill using a little kitchen griddle and used zero oil so I thought it would be okay.
Hi Courtney, I think grilling the fish like that is fine. Bethany
I’ve just recently developed an intolerance to eggs. Is there a substitute to eggs on the 3 day quick fix? Thanks so much.
Hi Kristin , I would just do either chicken breast, turkey breast, or fish as a substitute. Bethany
Can I chew trident cinnamon sugarless gum ( no aspartame)?
Hi Kelly, I don’t see why not. Bethany
Bethany I purchased liquid egg whites. Can I use these instead of boiling eggs or do I need to hard boil eggs? Also, not a fish eater, some allergies. What can I substitute on the fish days?
Hi Sharon, I would think liquid egg whites are fine. Any other lean white protein instead of fish, chicken breast and turkey come to mind. Bethany
Hello again Bethany I just wanted to know, I bought the coconut oil capsules because the liquid was just not working they are 1000 mg and are extra virgin, approximately how many would I take the first day of my 3-day fix? Also am I able to use Tilapia for fish? Thank you!
Hi Natalie, Yes, tilapia is great! There is about 14 grams of fat in a tbsp of coconut oil. For the coconut oil capsules, what I saw was about 14 1000 mg capsules should make about a tbs. So, 16-17 capsules would be about 4 tsps by my math. But, please double check this. Brthany
Thank you so much! You are Great. :)
Hello I think my comment got lost but I was asking what are the different types of 6 egg whites can we cook a day or are they just boiled? I started today and only had 2 boiled ones this morning what should I do? Also for the coconut oil how do we eat it? with food or directly from the spoon, sorry im just confused
Hi Natalie, You could eat four more egg whites at some point today. You can cook them anyway you like, I do scrambled. I heard Autumn recommend microwaving the coconut and drinking it. Personally, I just chew until melts. Bethany
If the 3 day fix says I can have 6 meals which is 6 red containers but my allowed amount of red containers is 4 on the 21 day fix how do I get to eat 6 meals in a day. Or am I suppose to only eat 4 red containers on the 3 day fix? I dont get it
Hi Nancy, I can see how that could be confusing. Just think of the 21 Day Fix diet as completely separate from the 3 day quick fix. So you do get the 6 red containers during the 3 day quick fix but not on the 21 df. Bethany
Hi, and thanks for all your advice and help. Where can I find the actual workout to do during these three days? I have all the discs and guide, but misplaced the booklet with the 3 day fix. I appreciate your help!
Hi Jo, It is recommend to start on day 19 of the 21 Day Fix program which are the Cardio Fix, Dirty 30, and Yoga Fix workouts. Bethany
What vegetarian options can be substituted for meat during the 3 day quick fix?
Hi Siobhan, That is an interesting question, I would choose a couple sources that do not cause the body to retain water. Beans and lentils maybe. Bethany
Hi! Thank you for a great website with lots of helpful information. I found the 3 day fix shopping list but didn’t see anywhere the meal schedule? Had you by any chance created a 3 day meal schedule based on those foods? Would love to follow it!
Hi Erin, If you look at the bottom right of the image in the blog post there is the meal plan for the three days. I’ll see if I can get a bigger image inserted into the post or write in for future users
I am on Day 2 of the 3 day fix. But, I’m doing it at the beginning of a new round to kinda get my head back in the game and get my nutrition back to where it should be. I did notice the afternoon sleepiness setting in today. So far, a cup of coffee is helping me get through it. One tip to share… I used parchment paper to steam the fish (salmon) and veggies in the oven. Just wrap up fish and veggies in paper, season with lemon or lime juice and favorite Mrs. Dash seasoning, and baked at 400 degrees for 25 minutes. Came out perfect … nice and moist. Storing in fridge in parchment paper wraps until ready to reheat. I do have a few questions … just to get additional opinion.
1. Should I double up on my workout or take a walk/jog … something more than just one of the 30-minute, 21-Day Fix workouts? I did Yoga Fix yesterday and Total Body Cardio today. I still have time to squeeze in some additional activity today. I really want to see a difference after the three days … most importantly with how my body looks and measurements, but would also like to see progress on the scale.
2. If you’re already in the lower calorie bracket, is there any harm in repeating the 3-Day Fix in another 1 1/2 weeks? I plugged the food and servings of evco into myfitness pal to get an idea of how many calories I am taking in. I’m eating salmon with the meals that call for fish. My booklet didn’t specify “white” fish. It just said “steamed fish.” So, it’s about 1400 calories.
3. Is spa water still allowed? I used lemon yesterday. Mixed it up and made “mojito” spa water today (cucumber, lime, and mint). And, just switched it up this afternoon to strawberry, lime, mint.
4. The plan doesn’t specify, but wondering whether fresh herbs be used? Basil and cilantro are both so flavorful. I was thinking that fresh herbs would be a great way to give foods flavor besides no-salt spices and Mrs. Dash options.
Hi Kc, Thanks for the salmon and veggies idea, I never tried reheating packets, but that makes perfect sense. Hopefully I can be of some help on your questions. 1. As long as you are feeling up to the additional activity I don’t see anything wrong with the additional light training. 2. If you are in one of the two lower calorie brackets I would say then that is fine also. 3. Spa water should be fine too. 4. Fresh herbs should also work withour a problem, you just want to avoid any added salts. Sounds like you are on a good track to me! Bethany
Thanks for this great summary of the 3 day quick fix. On Day 2! I saw cucumbers on the list, can I eat them raw or do I have to steam them? I have never steamed cucumbers but i am willing to try, thanks.
I would go raw. I can’t see steamed cucumber being very tasty.
How do I cook the egg whites? Can I use cooking spray?
Hi Maria, I don’t see why not. I have found the “green” pan works very good for non stick cooking.
On the 3-day quick fix it calls for grilled chicken. Can it be baked as well?
Hi Debby, I believe the guide wants us to steam the chicken, but I really don’t know how big of a difference grilling or baking would really make.
Can I use Sweet Potatoes instead of Yams? I cannot find Yams at my grocery store. Also, what if I am full and cannot finish all the food? Is that going to negatively affect my results?
Hi Erin, I used sweet potatoes as I could not find yams either. I would recommend trying to eat all of the food as the amount of calories is very low already. You should not really eat this low of an amount of food for an extended period of time.
Erin, I know this comment is a year late but I only just found this great blog by Bethany Lyn! I’m on day 1 of the 3 day fix although I’ve tried the 3 df a couple years ago and found myself forcing to eat all the food because it was more than I was used to eating. – It was horrible. But I recently found a comment in the original 3 day fix guide; Amber said don’t force yourself to eat all the food if you find that you can’t; It’s an eating plan, not an eating contest. (that’s exactly how I felt last time!) She also said if you know you’re not going to be able to eat all the food then make sure you eat some of each of the foods instead of just eating one and not the other and don’t make it an excuse to not eat what you don’t like. ~That made me feel better about trying the 3DF again since I’m not used to eating this much. I actually bought a large lunch bag just to accommodate all the extra food! Hopefully this helps those who have the same question.
Hi Bethany, in your grocery list, you state 3 lbs each for the Chicken and Fish, but when I add it up, I only get 1.5 lbs? (ex. 8 oz chicken x 3 days = 24 oz, which is 1.5 lbs) Am I missing something?
Hi Angie, You’re right, I will update the article, I was shopping for two of us. Thanks for commenting.
Do you have a 3 day menu that I can follow for I will be starting the program next week but want to plan my meals?
Hi Sandy, It is pretty basic, if you look at the bottom right of the image in the post, you should be able to see the different meals. If you access to Beachbody On Demand you can also get a digital copy of the 3 Day Quick Fix online.
hi Bethany, looking at the guide for Blue container it show coconut milk in can, can be use. do I use the coconut milk to cook or do I drink it? Thank you again.
Hi Maye, I usually use canned coconut milk for cooking, I don’t see why it could not be drank. Just remember it is not part of the 3 Day Quick Fix program.
Hi. I live overseas and unfortunately I can not get yams or sweet potatoes here, no matter where I look. Regular potatoes are available as well as the African version of sweet potatoes that are more yellow in the center than anything. Should I do the best I can with those or do you recommend substituting with something else? Maybe I can try and order canned sweet potatoes? (Plain no additives of course). Thoughts?
Hi Jennifer, I would just go with what you have available.
Hello Bethany Im new to the 21 day fix and starting my 3 day quick fix tomorrow, Im confused with the coconut oil with the meal, how does it work with the oatmeal and the egg whites? am I meant to eat it just like that or put it in the oatmeal?
Hi Diane, Autumn suggests microwaving the coconut oil until it is liquid and drinking it.
Hi Bethany, Thank you for all your nice comments and respond, I got one more question. Do I measure like the oat on red container raw or cook same as the chicken and fish? because I cooked the oat meal and measure before i cook after cooking its like double the amount. Thank you
Hi Maye, The steel cuts are measured cooked. You can also measure the proteins cooked as they really don’t change shape when cooking.
Hi, I have a question about the steel cut oatmeal. How do you make it? and can I buy the betty crocker one that has cinnamon and brows sugar flavour? I have no idea how to make oatmeal!!! PLEASE HELP! I am on day 16 2 more days till the 3 day quick fix!!
HI Najwan, I make my steel cut oatmeal on the stove top, I know other people use the crock pot and make steel cut overnight oats. There should be instructions how to best prepare on the container they come in. No you cannot use the processed oats that contain added flavoring.
He Bethany, Can you eat the Quaker Weight Control Instant Oatmeal on the 3 Day Fix program?
Hi Sherry, No, there are very processed.
Hi! How did you cook the fish and chicken? The guide doesn’t list olive oil as part of the 3 day quick fix, but it seems like that would dry it out. I saw that you used an olive oil spray to coat the pan for the turkey. Did you do that for the fish and chicken too, and then eat the ev coconut oil on the side? Thanks!
Hi Whitney, I steamed the fish and chicken using a food steamer like this one. Bethany
Hi, I don’t eat Quinoa, Oatmeal or Brown Rice. Is it OK to eat Mashed Potatoes and Grits doing the 21 Day Fix?
Hi Sherry, those should be fine depending upon how they are made. This post just covers the 3 Day Quick Fix part of the program for those who choose to do it.
Hi, I start my 21 days fix 7 days ago. And looking at guide for this 3 days quick fix. Is the Meal 1 to Meal 6 is our Menu for each day? meaning I have to eat those 6 meals a day? Thank you.
Hi Maye, When following the 3 day quick fix plan it is. Most people do the 3 day period at the end of a round of the 21 Day Fix or when they need to cut water and bloat to get an extra lean look for an event. It’s not something you should be doing all the time.
Inam adding all my veggies and making one big salat is that ok?
I work nights and it is hard for me to eat 4 times veggies spaced out
Hi Konul, It is best if you could eat every 2-3 hours, but sometimes life just does not make that possible. Just do your best!
thank you for your answer. How do I make oatmeal for the 3 day quick fix plan?
Hi Najwan, Stove top or microwave should be fine per the cooking instructions. Just remember that it is plain old fashioned rolled oats that you want to use.
Hi, I am about to start my 21 day fix. I will be starting tomorrow. I am just confused about the three day quick fix, what workouts am I supposed to do for it? or do I just follow my regular workout routine? And for the food guide for the three day quick fix, what does (e.v. coconut oil stand for)?, like how many spoons? And for the 21 day fix program, am I okay to make my own food and measure it? for example, can I still make my veggie stir fry with mushrooms , olive oil, peppers, and broccoli?
HI Najwan, I would recommend doing the quick fix at the end of your 21 Day Fix round. You can follow the normal workouts or adjust to something lower intensity if you need to. The e.v. stands for extra virgin which is measured with the tsp. And, yes you you make your own food and measure it yourself, I like to keep a check sheet hand so that I can mark down what containers go into a recipe to make it easier for future use.
Good morning,
I am so glad that I ran into your web page, because I am starting the 21 Day Fix and I planned on starting off with the 3 Day Quick Fix since I ate so bad over Easter weekend!
Thank you for posting all this good info :)
Hi Tammy, I know what you mean about Easter, but those are the times when living a healthy lifestyle allows for some good times too. Goof luck on the Fix! Bethany
Can I substitute canned tuna for steamed fish?
Hi Chels, That is a good question, technically canned tuna has been steamed during the canning process. I do however believe the guide is referring to fillets of white fish that you steam yourself.
What time is too late if I didn’t get my last meal in?
Hi Danielle, I believe a couple of hours before bed would give your food time to begin the digestion process.
What is the serving size for the vegetables?
Hi Erin! The green container is about one cup. Hope that helps! Bethany
Is there something else you could replace the oatmeal with? I’VE BEEN TRYING REAL HARD BUT BY THE FORTH BITE I’M IN TO GAG MODE. Lol
Hi Kim, I find steel-cut outmeal to better than the rolled too. Guess you could add in more yams.
Can you eat salmon?
Hi Aimee, On the 3 day quick the guide wants you eating white fish.
What can I eat in place of fish? I have tried to eat fish but I gag.
Hi Linda, The 3 Day Fix does not list any substitutes. I guess you could exchange for other lean meat proteins, but it is probably not optimal to do so.
Do you have to eat all of the food on the 3 day quick fix for the 21 day fix
Hi Damarrius, I would. It is very low calorie as is.
I do all grilled chicken and during the meal that is fish I take a fish oil pill. I also gag from the coconut oil so I bought it in gel capsul form
Hi Ashley, The coconut capsules are a good idea, thanks for sharing. Bethany
Ashley…can I ask which coconut oil capsules you use? what dosage and how many pieces do u take a day?
How many egg whites for one serving I’m confused
Hi Tonia, Yes 6 egg whites is a serving.
1 egg white ,two egg whites, how many egg whites makes up a serving
Actually, the book states that 8 egg whites is 1 serving.
You’re right! Thanks for the comment!
3 eggs whites is the most you can fit in one container
Hi, Egg whites from large eggs contain about 17 calories and 3.5 grams of protein each. For a few foods like egg whites you don’t necessarily use the containers but refer to the eating guide for the most accurate serving sizes. Bethany
Hi Bethany,
JHow do you cook the lean ground turkey? Can you use olive oil?
Hi Maria, I used mt Misto olive oil spray bottle to season the pan.
Bethany, for the protein are you doing 4oz raw when measuring? or is there another measurement for the 3 days?
Hi Pam, Yes, 1 red container.
Quick question, can you eat just two types of meats/red (turkey and chicken – and egg whites) or you must eat cod and tilapia?
Hi Cal, The guide does not say that you can make replacements.
Is there a replacement for oatmeal haters? Could I have steamed yams instead? Thanks!
Hi Racheal. For best results I would try to stick to the program as is, the guide does not list any substitutions which kind of stinks.
It calls for yams are they the same as sweet potatoes?
Don’t know if this is a cultural thing but yams and sweet potatoes are two different things at my store. Maybe you can clarify?
Hi Leslie, Yams and sweet potatoes are two different tuberous root vegetables, and they should be two different choices at your grocery store, although some grocery stores don’t even categorize them correctly.
For measuring in the containers, is this raw or cooked? I just started the program and doing the 6 egg whites. I could only fit 4 whites in the container?
Hi Darlene, I would double check with guide, I believe you don’t have to use the containers when it lists the amount of a food.
I can’t eat 6 times a day or I’m eating my last meal at 830 pm. Can I double up my 630 pm meal?
Hi Amy, While it would be best to squeeze the last meal in if you can’t doubling up would be better than skipping it.
Do the vegetables on 3 day quick fix have to be steamed or is it ok to eat some raw?
Hi Kelly, I’m pretty sure it is steamed vegetables only, raw vegetables are probably harder on the digestive system. Bethany