You only live once, are you going to make the most of it?
You may think that some people just seem to have it all without any real effort: enough money to live comfortably, happiness, health, and to top it off and make it even more annoying…a great body too. They really have their life together with seemingly little effort. So, what’s the secret to their success?
There is no secret. It’s just about working hard and being smart about your every day decisions. The truth is that there are certain things successful people focus on, and I’m going to share a little bit about what they are. I’m not going to go too into detail right now. I’m working on a short e-book about this subject, that will go over some the barriers I’ve encountered and how I’ve overcome them. Almost all people will be able to relate to in one way or another.
I’ve learned these tips from reading a lot of personal and professional development books, observing and talking with my mentors, and from my own experiences, so I know it works.
They’re really simple to follow, but also easy not to. It’s a matter of you making the decision to make the right changes and stick with them no matter how long it takes to get there. No one is the decision maker in your life, but yourself, so make the right choices day to day. These tips not only relates to your health and fitness, but to other aspects of your life as well.
So, here’s a quick breakdown of things you should focus on to make the most of out the lifetime you’ve been given.
- Focus on your future.
It doesn’t matter where you are right now or where you’ve been, you just need to keep a sharp focus on where you want to be. If you missed a workout, who cares?! If you ate half a chocolate cake yesterday, who cares?! Just move on and get back to eating healthy again and working out and in the near future, you will see your body has changed and you’re feeling healthier and younger than ever before. One bad day out of a year is not going to ruin your life. But years of eating poorly will affect your health later on in life, so if you don’t want to be living on pills when you’re retired or using a walker with your arthritis, make the right decisions today to eat healthy and exercise. The same holds true for any mistake you’ve made…forgive yourself and move on. Nobody is perfect, so don’t beat yourself up for things you can’t possibly change. So, you gave your parents hell when you were an adolescent – GET OVER IT!!! They forgave you long ago, so you should too! If you’re stuck in the past, you will never move forward.
- Focus on what you really want in life and work at it.
Is your dream to be wealthy? Is your dream to be your own boss? Is your dream to be an award-winning author…a doctor? Regardless of what is it that you really want out of life, plan for it. Don’t just say I want to own my own business one day – put a deadline on that and make a detailed plan on how you’re going to achieve it. Stop building everyone else’s dreams by working at a job you hate – there’s no better time than now to start building your own. Put aside an hour every day to work at it if your current job doesn’t allow you to.
- Focus on the positive. Keep a positive frame of mind no matter what’s going on in your life. Think of yourself as already successful, because you’ve made that decision to reach all of your goals. Look at the positive in any situation. Your attitude is everything – it’s contagious, unless you want to surround yourself with miserable people, get happy. I know it’s hard when you’re barely scraping by, but I am going to tell you from my own experience that keeping a positive frame of mind will change your life. Smile often and be kind to others. These are traits the happiest and most successful people live by. It’s hard to find success if you’re unhappy.
- Focus on your finances.
There is nothing that leads to more misery in life than not having enough money. And the truth is that it’s not because you’re not currently making enough money, it’s that you’re not living within your means. If you’re paying down credit card debt each month, good for you. But just remember the longer you carry a balance on high interest credit cards, paying all those finance fees each month is just money that you can’t invest in your future. This is where it’s important not to give into every whim and impulse shop. Is what you’re looking to purchase something you really need right now, or is it something you just really want that you’ll forget about next month? You need to think about every dollar you spend if you’re not already living comfortably.
- Focus on setting goals.
And make sure your goals have deadlines! Goals are dreams with deadlines. It’s time to turn your dreams into a reality. You want to reach the top of that mountain? Then, go for it! Don’t just say you will one day, do it! Don’t just say you’re going to buy a new car some day – make that some day next April and then work at making sure that happens. Whether it’s putting enough money aside each week to save up for a substantial down payment or paying down your other debt to get your credit score up. It doesn’t matter if they’re your short-term goals like losing ten pounds over the next three months or they’re your long-term goals like saving one million for retirement, you need to have deadlines and a plan to get there. Without a deadline and a plan, you are dead in the water, my friend.. Think of your life as your business, and your deadlines as your business plan. Deadlines make dreams a reality, or to put it another way.
These are just simple things to focus on every day to get yourself headed down the road to success. It’s making the small, simple changes in your life and really sticking with them that will make you a happy, healthy person and you lead you down the path to your own success. Remember that success doesn’t happen over night – you really have to work on getting there without giving up.
What are the important goals in your life, tell us about them and how you will accomplish them!